I was just testing you chill the fuck out🤭

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Same day , Toni returns home and she sees Cheryl in the living room watching tv .

Toni walks through the door and then locks it behind her

Cheryl- hey babe

Toni's eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she was crying

Cheryl- what's wrong ? She said pulling Toni into a hug

Toni- pp-please don't bb-be mad at me

Cheryl- why would I be mad at you she said raising her eyebrow

Toni- when I was doing a photo shoot with Josie ......

Cheryl- ok what about Josie? She said raising her eyebrow

Toni- when I was helping her readjust her self for the pose I wanted her to do she said I was pretty and me being me I didn't realize she was flirting with me . So I said she was pretty back and she tried to kiss me .

Cheryl- did you kiss her she said choking on her words

Toni- no I moved out the way immediately and she kissed me on the cheek instead. Before you say anything I would never cheat on you .

Toni got on one knee holding Cheryl's hands and resting her head on her stomach

Toni- please don't leave me I would never ch- cheat  on you I love you red you are the love of my life . I know Josie is your best friend and you've known her longer then me and would automatically choose to believe her.

Toni looked into Cheryl's eyes

Toni- please believe me I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally.

Cheryl didn't say a word she just cupped Toni's cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes

Cheryl- oh sweet sweet Toni I know you wouldn't hurt me the only person that hurt me was Josie and I've known her since diapers . I can't believe she would do that to me after everything.

Toni- I'm sorry she said with tears streaming down her face

Cheryl- stop crying sweetie she said wiping away her tears

Cheryl- this just shows me how much you care about our relationship. Get up on your feet !

Toni stood up immediately

Cheryl- your supposed to be big daddy not big baby let's go we have some words to discuss with Josie .

Hi everyone, it's Josie and I majorly fucked up big time. I almost kissed Cheryl's girlfriend Toni, but little does Toni know this is a set up to test her loyalty. I honestly hope she passes the test because Cheryl is a crazy bitch when it comes to Toni. yeah me and Toni made out on her first day they weren't together so it was fine . Anyways if this was real me and Toni both would be fucked . I love Cheryl like a sister I would never go after her girlfriend an-

*knock knock*

Looks like they're right on cue see you guys later I tell you what happened after they leave . 😽

Josie opens her front door to find a puffy eyed Toni and a slightly pissed off Cheryl

Josie - what can I do for you guys?

Toni- don't fucking act like you don't know what you did.  because of  you I had a fucking meltdown crying my eyes out because I thought I cheated on Cheryl !

Cheryl- ok you need to calm down I'm the one that should be mad.

Cheryl- why

Josie - why what Cheryl ?

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