Oh shit 🤭😳

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So uhm that so called "surprise party" clearly went to shit. I really only invited the inner circle so who the fuck invited heather? I've never seen Toni so sad no that's not the word it's disappointed that's the word. Cheryl called me and asked me if she could stay with me because she was living with Toni at the time well the whole time since Toni took her out of that toxic environment. but now...it's been a total of 3 weeks since they've spoken to each other. It's present day and Cheryl is crying her eyes out in my guest room. - Betty ☹️

It was a chilly morning in Riverdale cold enough to see your breath but warm enough to walk to school. Betty was putting on her sweater and then her peach perfume just to add a little spark to the start of her morning. Betty went to go knock on the guest room door where Cheryl was staying. She knocked again still no answer, so she turned the knob and walked in. It was pitch black and the only light that was in the room was the sunlight that crept from the curtains.

Betty- Cheryl it's time to go to school she says softly

Cheryl's back was to Betty, Cheryl couldn't sleep at all not even for 5 minutes all she could think of those words Toni had said to her . It kept replaying over and over again in her head like a broken record.

Betty sat at the edge of the bed

Cheryl- I don't want to go she said with warm tears falling from her eyes onto her cheek

Cheryl- I can't face her Betty you should've seen her cute little face she says sitting up

Cheryl- I keep feeling where my Toni necklace used to be when she's not with me or I feel anxious I would just hold on to it and just think of her and it would make me happy.  She said smiling at the memory

Betty- you can't keep putting yourself down about this Cheryl

Cheryl- you don't understand Betty I've never felt like this before. she is so loving, caring and such a gentlewoman I remember one day it was raining the day before and there was this huge puddle. Toni would always open my car door for me and help me out when we walked up to the puddle Toni picked me up like a toddler and put me on her hip and walked me all the way to my class and then she would kiss me goodbye she said crying starting to hiccup

Betty- it's going to be ok Cher you have to show her you don't need her to function

Cheryl- I do need Toni she was my source of happiness I need Toni back! she said resting her head on Betty's shoulder

Cheryl- she probably moved on anyways she says wiping her tears

Betty- that is so not true Cher

Cheryl- have you seen Toni she looks like God handcrafted her himself. Her perfect jawline, her nice plump and soft lips, she has the body of a triathlete with her mouthwatering abs . But what I loved the most about her was her voice and her eyes -

Betty- she also has really nice teeth like their so straight and white

Cheryl looked at Betty

Betty- sorry, but you have to show her and everyone that one little break up can't take you down. She said trying to encourage her

Cheryl- you know what your exactly right she says standing up

Betty- ok I'll be downstairs waiting for you.


In the parking lot of Riverdale high

The serpents were just talking to one another, just leaning on each others bikes . Toni was talking to sweetpea when Archie , chuck and Reggie came over .

Toni- what's up big dog she said to chuck giving him a dap along with Reggie and Archie

Chuck- I was just about to say the same to you how are you holding up? He said putting his hands in his pockets

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