I'm healing Mentally and physically

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Uh...... ok how do I start this off so as many of you know I got shot not once but 3 times and I died for 10 minutes. That experience changed my fucking life within in those ten minutes I got to speak to my parents they said they were proud of me of how I took care of the boys. And they approve of Cheryl because they see how happy she makes me. It's been a month sense that incident and I'm currently on three-week bed rest. So, I don't know what else to say so bye for now - Toni 🐍

A month later ......

First week of bed rest

Toni was just in her bed playing cod when she got a knock at the door. Toni grabs her crutches and opens the door to find Betty.

Toni- hi Betty I see that it's your turn to watch me.

Betty came in and gave Toni a heartwarming hug

Toni- what was that for?

Betty- for saving my life I just don't know how to repay you.

Toni- you can hang out with me cause I'm lonely in this house all day by myself. I was in my room playing call of duty do you want to play too, or we can just go to pops and just hang.

Betty- let's go to pops, let's get you out of this house some fresh air would be nice right?

Toni- of course let just turn off my Xbox and get ready.

Betty- don't you need help going up and down the stairs?

Toni- no I could do it myself she says with a smile

Toni comes back downstairs with her car keys, her phone and her wallet

Toni- alright let's go

Betty- wait were taking your car?

Toni- I mean yeah unless you want to take yours.

Betty- let's just take mine ok

They both walk out the house with Toni locking the door behind her

Betty helps Toni into the car and moments later they arrive at pops to find the whole gang

Toni- why is everyone here? She said giving Betty a confused look

Betty- they wanted to see you

Toni- awww I thought I was going to have a one on one with Nancy drew she says with a fake pout

Cheryl- so you're not happy to see me? She says walking up to her giving her a peck on the lips

Toni- I'm always happy to see you she says with a soft smile

Cheryl rests her hands on Toni's jaw and brings her in for a kiss then she deepens it. It gets pretty heated Toni starts to suck on Cheryl's tongue causing her to moan.

Cheryl pulls Toni by her collar and softly pushes her down on the bar stool. She sits on her lap and continues to make out with her.

Reggie- do they not know we're here or...... ?

Betty walks up to them

Betty- that's enough you freaks she says pulling Cheryl away from Toni . Cheryl pulls Toni's lip with her as she's being dragged away

Toni- a little help here I dropped my crutches

Chuck helps her

Toni- thank you chucky boy

Chuck- ugh your welcome and hopefully that name doesn't stick

Toni- we'll see  about that chuck boy she says under her breathe

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