Cities That Sin

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My plane was scheduled to arrive at the McCarran International Airport ‪at 9:50 p.m.. It was only ‪3:15 p.m. now, but a driver was already helping me inside of the Miami International Airport, to be safe and sure that I was on time.

Pulling out the ticket, I stared at it for a while after letting out a deep sigh.

I checked in the ticket that was sent to me more or less than two weeks ago, from Morgan.

"You're going," I tried to confirm to myself.

I had battled with taking up her offer before she even sent the ticket.

The only thought that I could process was that I haven't seen her in years; at least five years. The time was winding down fast and at any minute, we were going to be face to face again.

Now, I pushed myself to no choice and gathered up my courage.

"I'm going," I stated lowly.

The chivalrous driver that she sent for me, unloaded the car and set out my luggage. I entered the airport and got in line for my bags to be checked and scanned. The driver followed along to assure if I would be okay. I thanked him for his help and he quickly departed back to work.

I entered the security line to show all of my identification and the boarding pass. I was easily annoyed by the wait ahead of me. The line seemed to take days to move, but it passed along and I was searched thoroughly.

By the time I reached the gate, the flight was just boarding. We soon took off and proceeded towards Nevada.

Five and a half hours later, I arrived at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Leaving the plane, I turned on my phone and checked for any messages or missed calls.

A message pinged across my home screen from Morgan.

"She'll be looking for HER, you know that's you."

"Morgan has a way with words," I smirked at the text.

'HER' was more than a funny insider that we shared.

Looking up, I searched to see a sign reading 'HER'. Finally, I spot a brown skinned woman with my luggage already picked up. Obvious as day, she's my new driver.

I walked over to her, observing her captivating beauty and beautiful brown eyes. I could see her lips part to speak with no words coming out.

"Hello, I'm here for Red-, I mean Morgan," I  stumble, trying to break the silence.

"Greetings Miss, you can follow me," she recollects herself.

I follow her as she's leading the way to the black SUV parked in front with the flashing hazard lights. She loaded my belongings in the trunk as I got comfortable in the back and we set on our way to the destination.

Finally being able to settle, I undertake my thoughts and memories of Morgan. Or as I like to call her, Red. We met through some mutual friends in college  during my junior year, but she was already getting a second degree. Recently, we have been keeping a close, yet long- distance friendship.

One night, back when we were in college, we talked in my dorm all until the sun was rising. It felt like a little school girl crush and being overwhelmed with finals, I decided to have another night with an outlet from worries and stress.

I invited Morgan over that following night, but she opted for something else since it was already past curfew and she had her own apartment off of campus.

She called me and we had phone sex until my bed was soaking wet. I was moaning so loud, my roommate thought someone was with me the next morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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