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07.01.2017 8:21 am

Lacey was awakened by voices the next morning, and she opened her eyes sleepily. It took her a moment to orient herself and understand where she was, and Bradley and Caleb also seemed to have just woken up. She sat up sleepily, and it was ready for light outside.

Over night it had snowed even further and all the windows were covered with snow, so that you could hardly see anything from outside.

"Where did he go, Brad? "she heard Caleb say and saw him crawling forward to the driver's seat.

"I'm so cold," Caleb muttered, snuggling deeper into his blanket.

It took Lacey a moment to figure out what Bradley was talking about.

She heard Bradley trying to start the engine, but it was only a stuttering sound before it stopped every time.

Please, don't let that be true! Lacey panicked.

"Oh shit! Come on, please! Come on! "Bradley begged doggedly as he tried to get the car started.

"What's wrong? "Caleb asked.

"It not turning on," Bradley stated, sliding back into the back seat.

"Shit! And now what? We have to get to the highway, I heard there's more snow coming today," Lacey said at a loss.

"He just went to get help, right? "Caleb asked in a panic.

"I don't know, maybe... ", he didn't come any further, because something knocked on the glass and a roar came, that remotely reminded of a bear. There was nothing to see through the snow-covered windows.

All three flinched, the trunk was opened and Elliot's smiling face appeared. Lacey rolled her eyes. After just waking up, she didn't like this kind of jokes.

"Oh funny! "Bradley scoffed angrily and relieved at the same time as he recognized his father.

"Who'd you think it was? "Elliot joked.

"Don't do that again, Elliot, otherwise I'll have to kill you! "

"It was just fun! "he said calmly.

"At this hour I don't understand any jokes! "Lacey said dryly and climbed out, instinctively pulled her jacket closer around her. Although the breath was already visible in the car, it was much colder outside. It was already snowing outside.

"Bradley thought you were big foot! "Caleb laughed, and he and his brother climbed outside as well.

"Where have you been? "Bradley asked reproachfully.

"I went for a hike to scout things out," Elliot explained.

"Did you find help? "Caleb asked excitedly.

"No, but a couple years ago we were set up on the other side of this valley. And we went hunting one weekend, and there's a cabin down there. I think that's our best bet, so grab all the stuff, "he explained.

"How is that our best bet? We've gotta go back to the highway and try and find help from there! "Bradley angrily objected.

"He's right, we can't stay here forever, we have to find the highway, otherwise we'll never get out of here," Lacey agreed.

"No, no. Hey, grab the stuff out there," Elliot said to Caleb.

But he didn't really look at any of the three teenagers.

"Now, we're too far from the road. We can't be out in the cold for that long, and this truck isn't gonna keep us warm," he said.

"What about food? I'm starving," Caleb complained.

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