Chapter 4

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30th November 2015
New York

Lisa and I had planned to hang out for the day, sbe was on official leave and she thought we could spend some together

"I should make you some soup for you, since you begged " sje said and we both laughed

"Yeah I cant wait" I replied

We started talking and I couldnt imagine how much we had missed out.

She took out her phone to play songs from a playlist we curated a while back

"The song really?" I said and she laughed

"May I have this dance" I asked and she smiled

"We should probably just listen" she argued

"Nah, we should dance, lets not postpone what we can today, to tomorrow " I said and she chuckled

"True" she said and got jp

I held her by her waist, while I places her hands on my neck

"Thank you for doing this with me" I sakd and she smiled lookimg at me

"You're welcome"

"I wish we could do this often" I said and she smiled. I adjusted my oxygen tube and the bag on my shoulder

"You never do this with me" we heard Alex say from behind us

"We were just dancing to an old playlist" I said so Lisa doesn't feel as awkward as the last time

"Lisa and I were about to plan for my birthday this year" I sakd

"Yeah your birthday" she sakd taking the farthest sit in the room

"I'll organise the team" she sakd

"Baby, your birthday is in a month, what do I get you" she asked pretending to think

"You can literally afford anything you want but you just mention what you want and I'll make it done"

"Your time" I said and Lisa chuckled

Alex eyed Lisa while she sipped her juice pretending not to see her

"I'll just try to make sure, I don't schedule any more shoots to that time" she said

"So what's the theme this year?" Lisa asked taking a sip from her juice

"Something for my close family and friends" I said and I held Alex by her waist as she sat on my thighs

"Y'all have been here for me so long and I just want to give back" I said and Alex looked at me

"That's sweet of you" she said and thrn pecked my lips

"I'll just get the team together tomorrow and we'd see what we can work on" Lisa said and then stepped out to make a call

Alex grabbed chair and took her sit on it, I couldn't help but notice she kept stealing glances at me

"What?" I asked

"It's nothing" she replied and I could tell she lied

"Alex, no secrets remember" I said

"Yeah, so I was thinking before your birthday, we should go on a trip" she finally said

"Hmmmm" I mentioned

"Where to?" I asked

"I was thinking West"

"Hmmm, queens?" I asked

"Maybe, I'll check for a good resort center and hit you up on the details" she said

"Thats fine too, or we could ask Mark to prepare the place. He has a house there" he said

"Nah, I want some place neutral. Someplace just you and me" she looking at me in the eye.

"First week in December okay?" I asked and he nodded

"Babe, I have to go now, I have a shoot at DNA later today" Alex mentioned before getting up to grab her bag. She leaned in to peck my lips and then saod something to Lisa who was still on the phone

"Love you" I yelled once Lisa was done with her call and Alex was still in sight

"Love you too" she yelled back

"So where were we??" Lisa asked

"The team?" I asked

"Okay Xavier said he cant come in today, he has a surgery scheduled today so maybe we can make the meeting tomorrow" she said and I nodded

There was a knock on the door, and I looked puzzled, I wasnt expecting any guests.

"Are you expecting someone?" Lisa asked before going to the door

"No" I said and she opened the door to reveal my mom

"Mom" I mentioned as she hugged Lisa and pecked her on both cheeks

"I missed you the last time, when we were leaving for Singapore" she said and Lisa hugged one mkr6e time

"Did something happen?" I asked a bit scared

"No baby, Ah Ma just wanted to see you so bad" he sakd

"Ah Ma is here?" I asked

She stepped away from the door to reveal my old, ever lookimg beautiful wrinkled grand mother

I got up to welcome her into the house, Ah Ma never leaves home except its urgent and I wonder what could be so urgent she wanted to see me

She sat carefully on the chair and smiled but I could see beyond her smile something

"Alexander" she called holding on to my hand and smiled

Lisa immediately took out her camera and took a picture of us

She beckoned to my mother and whispered something to her

"She wants to speak to just you, Alex" she sakd

I looked on puzzled and nodded.

"Ah ma its just me now" I said sitting by the arm of her chair

"Edward, my child" she said
Whenever she called me Edward I knew it was serious, Edward is my father, he died shortly after I was born and Ah Ma had named me after him. I wish I met him everone says we look just alike and I was just like him in character and looks.

"Ah Ma" I saod she cupped my face in her hand

"You have defied all odds, you have built your own wealth, you have found yourself a pretty fiancée, you have made me proud" she said and I smiled

"You have done all these for you, there is something I want you to do for me" she sad
"Anything Ah Ma" I said

"Come and take your father's place, the vultures are waiting for me to go before they take your fathers wealth" she said

I completely understood what Ah Ma meant, my aunties and uncles were co.plete vultures since they found out I was Cfer they couldn't wait till I was dead, when I turned 18 it was like a nightmare to them.

"Ah Ma, my treatments is still on going. I promise to return once I'm better" I said soothing her left hand and she nodded

"I'm proud of you Alex" sje sakd

Ah Ma and I discussed more and she promised to send some home made dumplings, i couldn't wait Ah Ma's was the best.

Lisa and my mom came out later and we had lunch

"Lisa, you have my blessings. Take care of my son" Ah Ma said and she looked on puzzled

"Ah Ma that's not my girlfriend, this is Lisa. Little Lisa" I said and she nodded while Lisa chuckled

After lunch mom and Ah Ma left and Lisa and I went to the cinema on the other side of the house.

"What should we watch?" I asked

"Anything really" she sakd

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