Chapter 8

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Lisa and I got back to my apartment, later that evening, we got to the parking lot just outside my apartment.

My favorite song was playing and the environment seemed safe. I was calm.

She was about to highlight from the car when I held her hand, she lokked at me and sat back down, we sat till the song was done.

She lokked at me while I looked straight ahead, she then held my hand that was on my oxygen bag.

"What's on your mind?" She asked

"Alex you can talk to me" she said

" They found new lungs for me" I finally said

"Oh my Thats great news" she said and then looked to me as my eyes were still fixed on nothing in particular

"But you don't seem excited" she mentioned

"Look at me Lexis, what's going on?" She asked and I looked on

She cupped my face and turned it to face herself

"I've preparing everyday, like it could be the last and now I just might have a chance to live longer and I don't know how live like I have time" I explained amd she looked on like she felt sorry for me

"Lexis" she called and I looked to face her

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but if this is a chance you could live longer, you should go ahead and do you. Do whatever it is that sets your mind on fire, that makes you forget the factor of time" she said

"You dont get it, I've been doing the next right thing and now I just might have more time so I want to find purpose, I want to do more" I said

"Lexis, look at me"

"You have been doing great, you own a company you built from scratch independent of family wealth, you own an academy raising future great artists like yourself, you have an amazing personality, just maybe the next right thing you are always doing is your purpose do you remember when you told me all I needed was a little light to see the next step, I didnt need the full picture. I just needed little light for the next step and here I am best neurosurgeon in the entire city" she explained

"Just maybe Lexis the more you need is your harvest, you have worked your ass off, against all odds with the support of family and friends that are ready to be there for you all the way, just maybe Lexis the more you want is your harvest" she said and I nodded.

She was right, but I still needed time to process her words

"I'll be at the hospital tomorrow" I said

"Thats the spirit" she squealed shaking my hand

"Are you not going to ask?" I asked and she looked like she didn't understand what I said

"I'm sure she called you" I said

"Yeah" she said

"And?" I asked

"I dont have an opinion" she said

"You should say something" I said

"You already know I feel about this" Sje mentioned

"We both know why you're doing this" she continued

"I know, but I made a commitment"

"A commitment to married woman who suggested you date her friend so she doesn't feel bad for turning you down?"She asked and it sounded even crazier hearing it from someone else

"Just incase you're wondering, I think this commitment thing is BS!" she continued

"You should speak to Astrid if you feel so bad that you committed to her and honestly what's all this for? You're a grown ass man so why're you making commitment on who to date?" She asked

"I was young, in love and most likely stupid" I said rolling my eyes

"Then I think its time to unlearn certain things" she said

"I guess" I said

"What did she say to you last night?" I asked curiously

"You unnecessarily threw a tantrum" she said

"Tantrum?" I asked confused

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