Chapter 5

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3rd December, 2015

Palazzo Veneziano, Italy.

Alex and I had been on the trip to Italy in the early days of December, she always wanted to go on a trip, just the two of us but my health, timing of things and all that stuff always got in the way.

I'm glad I'm finally doing this for her and for me. We were to visit Venice Canal today and she wouldn't stop talking about it, but I enjoy listening to her so I guess that's fine.

"Babe, the uber is here" Lisa called as I stepped out of the rest room

"Alright" I said and she picked her bag and we head out

She looked amazing, in her vintage chanel dress, Hermes clutch purse and transparent heel slippers, most importantly I could not take my eyes off the necklace with pieces of Ruby that laid gently on her neck.

"Alex you look beautiful tonight" I mentioned as she descended down the stairs

"Thank you" she said courtesying

We walked hand in hand to the car.

We got to the restaurant in 15 minutes, the lights were dimly lit and there was soft music playing in the background, couples sat on either sides of the tables, enjoying their meals, some smiling and some dancing at the middle of the room.

We took our coat off at the entrance, and Alex removed her veil and I must say she looks amazing once again. The dress hugs her curves so well.

Alex and I walked to the table with my name on it, it was reserved to face the ocean, I knew how much Alex loves to watch the waves, the cool breeze slightly blowing her hair as she settled in the chair I had drawn out for her.

"What are we having?" Alex whispered

"Why are we whispering?" I asked and she laughed

"Here's the menu" the waiter said stretching the book forth

"I'll have something with chicken, salad and a bit of sauce" I said

The order came in later and we had lunch, while we were discussing she remembered an experience she had on a vacation with Lisa, LJ and Mary.

"The girls and I were actually having dinner in Paris and this song came up" she said raising her hand referring to the song

"You know how crazy LJ can be, she got up and started dancing" she mentioned I laughed

The girls are actually crazy, I mean individually each one is a Saint but together they are not recognizable they bring out the crazy in each other

"You know she started dancing at the middle of the room, just like right here" she said and then got up.

"Then this part of the song came up and she hopped on the table, we couldn't belive our eyes, Lisa joined in and they started dancing" she said and I couldn't imagine how much these girls have done

"She did just like this" she said and then got up gently and started to sway her hips flinging her arms both ways, letting them loose like a bird about to fly

She swayed them longer and all the way to the center of the room, she stretched out her legs from the slit revealing her thighs. She turned to face the couple that were sitting adjacent to us and the light turned on her at the center, and she swayed her hips and sang along with the song, all the other couples turned to look at her and I was laughing, I laughed so hard I started to cough. The cough went on and I adjusted oxygen bag, and the cough continued, I tried not attract attention by smiling, I wanted Alex to have fun she looked like she enjoyed the way she was dancing.

She was giving them a limited edition concert. she looked back at me and I smiled even though I wanted to cough so bad.

She courtesyed to the other diners, thats when I got uo to go to the rest room, I walked as fast as I could, and walked into the restroom. It was like I was going to cough out my lungs literally.

After cougiing a while and my lungs felt okay, I adjusted my oxygen tube and was now adjusting my shirt when I looked in the mirror to adjust my hair, that's when I caught sight of my eyes, the dark circles, how skinny I looked, I remove my oxygen tube and took a step back and observed myself carefully in the mirror.

There was a glimpse of sadness as I ran my hands on my shirt to feel my scars and then proceeded to look at my eyes carefully, but then again I'm grateful I'm alive and in Italy.

I picked up my oxygen bag and tucked the tube in my nose and walked out of the rest room. I approached the dinning room and saw Alex waiting patiently for me to return, she was rubbing her palms like she did when she was anxious.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled

"Missed me?" I asked and she smiled

"An episode?" she asked

"Hmmm" I said

"You didn't want me to see it" she said sadly and I looked on

"You really don't like me seeing you like that" she said

"I admire your strength, how you are vulnerable yet so strong" she said and reached out for my hand

"I know you can afford literally anything money can buy but really what would you like for your birthday?"

"Your time"

"I told you already you have the entire day, the whole day" she said

"This time" she added quickly

"More than anything I was glad she added that last sentence"

"I'd look forward to it" I said smiling before raising her hand to kiss it.

"I love you" she said boring her eyes into mine
"Love you too" I said

We left the restaurant and were back at the house.

"So I was thinking if you're not up for it, we can go to Venice canal the day after tomorrow. What do you say?" She asked

"Sounds great, but we can still go. I mean I'm good" I said

"I insist, let's sit out on today's outing, lets cuddle and watch a movie. I'll pick one" she insisted and kissed me.

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