Chapter 7

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I went outside the house to get some air, my headache wasn't repressing and my thoughts were having a mind of their own because these thoughts can't be mine.

I mean what's her deal with Astrid?, she's so damn obsessed and its irritating. I was finally moving on with all that drama last year with Astrid and now this? Alex is so selfish and its sickening.

"Yo, where are you at?" Mark texted and I looked away from the phone

Alex probably already texted him, Lisa and a couple other friends and now the whole world would think I'm the bad guy, I honestly can't deal with this anymore. She does this every damn time and I'm done babysitting her.

I thought when you finish college, have a good job and a great life you beginning to outgrow and mature into better persons but it seems as though she didn't get the memo, she's childish, rude, and not to talk of her low self-esteem.

My life is way too short for this BS she is putting me through, I want a happy life, I deserve a happy life.

Can you imagine that last year she confronted Astrid accusing she and I of having an affair, knowing fully well she was engaged to Lincoln, I was beginning to move on but this takes the cake.

Mark called and I ignored

It was now 2am and my head was still aching, I didnt go back to the hotel and I still wasnt ready to see Alex.

Mark would not stop calling 30 minutes later so I finally picked

"Where are you?" He asked

"Outside" I said

"Lexis, please go back inside"  he said and I rolled my eyes

"Look I'm fine, I just needed time to think" i said

"Think about what?" He asked

"Bye" I said and cut the call

I finally went back to the hotel to find Alex, pacing in the room crying. Honestly I could care less.

"Where the hell have you been?" She asked frowning and I ignored

I sat by the bedside about to turn off my phone when Doctor Minty's text came in

We have found you new lungs, text me as soon as you get here
                    —Doc. Minty

"Pack your bags, we're leaving tomorrow" I said

She left the room and slammed the door behind her causing a loud bang in my head.

I laid my back on the bed counting from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37...............


We left the hotel as early as 10am in Ah Ma's private jet, I called her early to tell her I had an emergency at New York.

Alex and I stole glances at each other occasionally till we landed in New york. We didn't say anything to each other and she didnt even look remorseful.

She went straight to the car with Nissan behind her and informed my driver to them to my apartment.

I took the other car with Lisa already waiting for me to go to Nick's house, if anything were to happen in surgery it was important for me to find Nick first, I wanted to see him even if it meant seeing him one more time.

Lisa and I arrived at the address, it was a large property, it seemed weird especially because it was on the other side of town.

I pressed the gate bell

"Hi welcome, This is Khan's Mansion, whom do you seek?" A voice said

"Hi, I'm looking for Nick, hmm Nicholas Young" I said and there was no response

About two minutes later the gate opened and Lisa drove in through the driveway.

"I'll go in" I said

"Let me come with you" Lisa said and I nodded

We went to the front door and a young lady with a slightly tanned skin, big eyes, brown hair packed in a low ponytail and full lips came out to attend to us in her  uniform of white dress and black shoes.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" She asked

"I'm looking for Nicholas" he said

"Okay come in" she said motioning towards the living room

"I'll get Sir Nicholas for you" she said

About five minutes later, a young man who seemed to be in his late 20s came out, he was tall, dark skinned, had a low cut, looked like he had just dropped out of one Denzel Washington's movies.

"Hi good morning, I'm Nicholas, you must be the team for Singapore" he said

"Nicholas" I gasped, I couldn't believe my eyes

After so long we meet again

"Daddy, when are we leaving for my rehearsal?" a young child said running out in her ballet outfit

"coming Fifi, I need to attend to some guests" he said and she ran in the direction she came.

"Sorry about that, where were we?" He asked

"Actually this is-" Lisa tried to introduce before I cut her off

"Liam" I lied and Lisa looked on confused

"Mom, can you wait for me in the car with Fifi" he said

"Alright Darling" the elderly woman said from behind us and it was like my world stopped for a minute

That was my mom's voice, so I looked back to see who it was and she was out of the house leaving me to see her behind.

Lisa and I's eyes met and she could see how confused I looked

She possible can't be here right?

"Im so sorry can we reschedule?, I've got to go" he said and walked with us outside the house

I sat in the car as Lisa drove out the building, I was grateful I got to see him but I was convinced that was mom so I called.

"Mom where are you?" I asked immediately she picked

"Out with Ah Ma, why?" she said

"Can I speak with Ah Ma?" I asked

"Uhhhh, she just got up" she said

"Okay, I'll talk with you later" I said and hung up

"Lisa, mom wouldn't lie to me right?" I asked akd she nodded slowly.

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