Chapter 3

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(Just so ya'll know, the past few chapters [including this on] are in June! I wanted it to be summer time lol)

POV: Shin-ae

"Are we ready to go?" I asked as I walked out into the kitchen.
Kousuke was cleaning the final dish, and Hansuke was putting some sun glasses on.
"Let's get this show on the road!" Hansuke chuckled, throwing a fanny pack over his shoulder.

We grabbed our stuff, and after a decent car drive, we made it to a pretty big beach. We parked and I heard a noise to my side as I stepped out.
"French fry!" Mira called, hugging her arms around me.
"Cheeto!" I chuckled, hugging her back.
Wilson walked over carrying Henry.
"Green Bean!" I called, pulling away from Mira and stealing Henry from his father.

"What the hell is happening?" Hansuke laughed, never before being acquainted to these three.
"Hansuke, this is Mira, Wilson, and Henry." I chuckled, gesturing to all three.
"Oh, I hope you don't mind, but my aunt and cousins also came..." Mira said nervously.
"That's fine. We came at 7:30am, so we should be able to find a good spot together." I shrugged.

We grabbed all of our things and went onto the beach. Mira stayed behind to wait for her Aunt and Cousins, while the rest of us set up an area for us to lounge in.
"Is there anything else to set up?" I asked after installing the large umbrella.
"I don't believe so." Wilson shrugged, placing Henry in an open tent thing with some toys.
Mira suddenly popped up, followed by four people.
"Hey! This is my Aunt Amelia, and my cousins Oliver, William, and Olivia." Mira chuckled.

We greeted them and hung out for a bit. Oliver and William ran off to go swimming, and Amelia and Wilson were bringing Henry to touch the water. Suddenly Kousuke's phone began to go off.
"I gotta take this.." he mumbled, standing up and walking away to answer the call.

When I turned back to face Mira, she had an ear to ear grin. Before I could say anything, she spoke.
"I'm pregnant again." She whispered, giggling after saying it.
"What?! Congrats! Does Wilson know yet?" I asked.
"No. I'm gonna break the news when we get home." She chuckled.

Kousuke walked back and sat down in the chair besides me.
"Sorry, it was my father." He chuckled.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yes. He was just saying how my mother wants us all to go out to dinner soon." He murmured.
I gasped, "holy crap, she knows!" I laughed.
"But how? We didn't tell her or my father that we've been dating..." he said confused.
"Cause your mother is an evil witch sorcerer that can see Crap through a mirror!" I exclaimed.
" do realize that 'Snow White' is not real, right?" He chuckled.
"She fricken choked on an apple for months, and still lived. If that's not real, then I don't know what is." I laughed, Mira joining me.

We spent a few hours talking, going in the water, and chillin on the sand. Though, me and Kousuke were under the umbrella like the vampires that we are. Hansuke seemed to hit it off with Mira's eldest cousin, whom was apparently 24. They decided to go on a walk, and didn't come back for an hour.

"Where have you two been?" Mira and I smirked as Hansuke and Olivia waltzed back over to the group.
"Just walking around." Hansuke chuckled.

   Once they were back, we began to pack up the area. Wilson took Henry to go get some ice cream to keep him from knocking over the packed stuff. We got everything to the cars by the time Wilson came back.

"Wait, you're a doctor?" I heard Olivia say in amazement.
"Indeed I am. At Hirahara Memorial Hospital back home." Hansuke chuckled.
"That's so cool!" Olivia beamed.

   I heard a few more mushy things before Hansuke finally walked back over to us.
"Hello Romeo, welcome back." I chuckled.
"Hey, it's not my fault! She looks soo much like Suki from 'Avatar The Last Airbender'!" He laughed, getting into the car.
   We said our goodbyes to Mira, Wilson and Henry; and got back into the car.
Once we got home, Kousuke went to go take a shower.

'Flamin hots flamin hots flamin hots'

"Yes brain, I'm on board" I chuckled, turning to Hansuke, "I'm going to go to the corner store real quick." I informed him.
I grabbed my things and walked to the door. Within a 10 minute walk, I got to the corner store.

   I was browsing around looking for Flamin hots, when I felt my phone buzz. I looked down at it and got an alert from my Health app. I clicked on it confused, and read it.
"You have not marked down your menstrual cycle in 47 days. Did you forget to mark it down?" The alert read.

'Did I forget? I'm usually pretty good about putting that down...'

   I scrolled through my messages with Kousuke until I found the last time I told him that I was dying.
"That was a while ago...maybe school's just stressing me out." I sighed, remembering the time that I missed a month due to stress.
   I shrugged and grabbed the bag of Flamin hots that I was now in front of.

   I walked towards the front when I noticed the woman in front of me drop something.
"Here.." I said, bending down and picking it up, handing it back to her. It was a pregnancy stick box.
   She thanked me and continued to walk towards the cash register. I looked besides me at the boxes of pregnancy sticks that sat on the shelves.
'I's stress. But..'
I felt my hand reach over and pick up one of the boxes.

'Frick, frick, frick-' I quickly walked up to the cash register and placed down my two things.
"How are you ma'am?" The cashier asked.
"G-good..." I mumbled, just wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

   I paid and quickly left with my things.
"Whyyy am I doing thisss" I said as I quickly sped walked to the apartment, feeling like everyone could see the contents of my bag.

   I quickly got up to the apartment and saw Hansuke and Kousuke watching One Piece.
'I forgot that Hansuke was going to try to get his cousin into anime..doubt that's gonna happen.' I lightly chuckled and walked over to the bathroom.
"Damn it better not have spread your fertility to me.." I wined, pulling out the test stick.

    I read the directions on the back and opened the container. Once it was done, I paced around the bathroom while it loaded.
"Stress. Stress. Strsss. Srssss. Ssss" I muttered as I shoved Flamin hots into my mouth.
  My phone timer began to go off, right in que of a knock being heard at the door.
"Shin-ae, you alright?" Kousuke asked.
"Y-yes!" I called, quickly turning off my phone timer.

   I heard him walk away and sighed with relief. I then turned my head back to the test stick that revealed—

"Stress! It was just stress!" I whisper yelled with joy, seeing that the stick said negative.
  I wrapped the stick with toilet paper and threw it in the trash. I left the bathroom, continuing to munch on some Flamin hots. The One Piece episode was ending by the time I got into the living room.
"So, Cous', you liked it didn't you?" Hansuke grinned.
"....why could that guy stretch?" Kousuke asked.
Hansuke groaned and fell back against the couch, "because he has Devil Fruit powers!"
"-and wouldn't that pirate woman not be able to stand? She looked to be over 1,000 pounds, but she could still move and attack." Kousuke added.

  I chuckled and sat besides Kousuke.
"A lot of anime exaggerate things. Like, how big people's eyes are-"
"Or how big girls boobs are." Hansuke chuckled, pretending to grope his own chest.
   I threw three Flamin hots at him.
"I was kidding!" He laughed, "but they still do that! A lot make it seem that girls have either beach balls, or raisins. But, little in between."

   We continued to watch some One Piece until Kousuke retired to go to bed. I continued to watch tv with Hansuke until it was about midnight, and decided that it was time to sleep.
I got ready for bed and put away the little remains of the Flamin hots, before going into my room.
Kousuke was passed out on my bed so I flipped down besides him, falling asleep instantly.


Okay, next time for sure! It's difficult cause I'm trying to lay out how I want the cover to look😂 but it should be on by the next chapter!🤞🏻😂

hope you enjoyed!!

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