Chapter 7

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POV: Shin-ae

"W-what's going on here? I asked, entering the hallway. It was now Sunday: approximately 12 hours after I told Kousuke that I was pregnant. I just rolled out of bed to find Kousuke's entire room in the hallway. It was only 10am: his bed was taken apart, his clothes were on a pile on the counter, his dresser and side tables were in the hallway, and Kousuke was sitting at the counter typing away on his computer. I peeked in his room and saw no trace of him ever being in it.

'What the-'

"Kousuke, what's happening?" I slowly asked him, seeing that most of the house was packed up as well. Dishes were in boxes, food packaged up, and The tank was drained of water. I saw Reaper on the counter in the thing that we had got him in.
"We're moving." Kousuke said nonchalantly, still looking at the screen.
I tilted my head.
"Wha- are you insane? You can't just pack up the whole house and move in a few hours-" I started, before being cut off by a knock on the door.
"You can if you're Kousuke Hirahara." He chuckled, standing up and walking over to the door.

In walked a group of guys and a girl, all wearing uniforms. Once Kousuke talked to them, they began picking stuff up and walking out of the room with them. I crossed my arms and walked up to him.
"Seriously, what's up?" I asked him with a stern face.
"...This apartment doesn't allow children... I figured that now would be the best time to move before you're restricted by your school and our child." He shrugged.
"Alright...well, we could've done it next week or something..or, at least told me before you dismantled everything." I chuckled, gesturing to most of the house taken apart, "I mean, did you even sleep last night?"

He shrugged, "I mean...I laid down for an hour trying to sleep?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Come on Mr. Sandman, help me pack my room." I chuckled, dragging him behind me.

By the time we finished packing up my room, the movers were just finishing up bringing everything downstairs. In no time, my room was cleared as well.
It was strange to see the apartment empty. I've only ever seen it with furniture; since the first time I had came here, everything was already set up with everything.

We got down to the car with Reaper, and I realized that I have no idea where the heck we were going.
"So, what's our new address? I want to search it." I said, picking up my phone.
"It's a surprise." Kousuke chuckled, "we're going out to lunch, and then we're going to drop by. The movers should be done by the time we get there."

We drove to one of our favorite lunch places, and went inside. The whole time I felt anxious. Not like, a bad anxious. I was more like excitedly-anxious. I wasn't expecting to wake up to be moving, especially it going to be a surprise.
'Did he actually get this place over night, or has he had an eye on this place?'

"Soooo.." I started as we sat down in the outside seating area and placed Reaper on the table, "how long?"
He raised his eye brow, "how long?"
"Yes, how long have you been looking at this house?" I chuckled.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about." He said with an amused smile.
"Hmh, righttt." I chuckled, "you're telling me when we get there then."

    We ordered and ate our food. I was so curious to what our new place was, that I gobbled up my food in a minutes.

Was it an apartment, or was it a house?

Did it have a yard?

Was the parking area big?

Are the neighbors nice?

Can I make an 'Animal Walking' themed garden?

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