Chapter 5

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POV: Shin-ae

It was a 4 days closer to the family meeting(Friday). It was also a day that I wouldn't be going to work.
"Shin-ae, are you alright?" Kousuke asked, knocking on the door as my breakfast flew into the toilet.
I wiped my mouth and sat on the floor.
"Yup." I said in a tired tone.
Kousuke walked in the bathroom and looked down at me.

"Did you catch the flu? I heard that there were two cases at work...those damn brats..they should've stayed home instead of spreading it to others..." Kousuke sighed, trying to help me on to my feet.
I backed away from him.
"Dude, if I'm sick, then don't touch me. I don't want to pass it to you.." I closed the toilet lid and lifted myself up, "I feel like I should just stay home today. I wouldn't want to pass the flu to anyone else."

"Do you want me to stay home as well-" Kousuke started, but I quickly stopped him.
"I said that I don't want to pass it on to you." I chuckled, standing up, "it's fine, I'll manage on my own."
He gave me a hesitant look and turned around.
"Alright.." He walked out of the bathroom and I sighed.

   I had thrown up before bed last night as well, which got me kind of worried. Though other than the throwing up, I felt pretty fine...some pains here and there, but I didn't feel necessarily 'sick'.......
Once Kousuke left, I hurried downstairs. I made my way across to the corner store.

'It already came back negative. What am I freaking out about?-'

   I walked up and picked up a pregnancy test.
'Over 99% accurate!' It read.
"I guess there is a 1%..." I sighed and picked up a second pregnancy test. I also grabbed a pint of mint chip ice cream as I headed up to the cash register.

"M'am, would like to purchase this weeks Tokyo Weekender?" The cashier asked "You'd get it half off because you spent $10".
"Okay." I sighed.
After I payed, I walked back to the apartment.
I put the ice cream in the freezer and took the tests. While I waited, I sat in the living room watching tv.

"Reaper, what do you think the tests will say?" I asked, looking over to the plum colored fish as his eyes darted over to me. He gave me a blank expression, food the only thing on his mind.
"I mean yeah, food is great. But can't you be an insightful fish?" I chuckled.
  He, again, gave me a blank stare. I stood up and dumped a small bit of food in the tank.

I sighed and headed back towards the bathroom.

30 min later

"MIRAAAAA~~~" I wined, my spoon sitting half way down the pint of ice cream.
"Girl, you just gotta stay calm." Mira chuckled on the other side of the phone.
"HOW AM I GONNA STAY CALM?!" I questioned, looking down at her.
"You're acting like it's the end of the world-" I cut her off as I threw two positive pregnancy tests in the trash.
"It is!" I groaned.

I heard her quietly laughing and I sighed.
"You know how Kousuke is... how are we going to raise a child? You know how important his job is to him." I whispered, shoving another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.
"Yes, he loves his job. He's also a pain in the butt sometimes. But it's not like he's gonna leave you because you're pregnant-"
"GIRL." Mira shouted, catching my attention again, "these are the HORMONES talking. Just calm down." She chuckled.

I took a deep breath and put the now-empty ice cream pint on the coffee table.
"I'm sorry...I'm just so nervous..." I sighed.
"I know you are. Trust me, I was just as nervous when I was pregnant with Henry." She paused and looked down. She suddenly seemed to have an idea.
"I know!" She chimed.
I looked at her curiously.
"Okay, so you're nervous right? Just come up with a cleaver and fun way to tell him! That way, you can be more excited then nervous!" She beamed.
"I'm not sure that's how that works-"
"TRUST THE EXPERIENCED." She said in a deep menacing tone.
"......okay..." I chuckled.

"Okay! Let me know what you plan-" just as she finished her sentence, I heard someone walk in the room with her, "oh, my break is over...text me later!" She said before hanging up.

   I sighed and placed my phone on the coffee table.
"How would I even tell him?" I mumbled, looking over at the trash can.

"Just come up with a clever and fun way to tell him!"

"What does that even mean? Clever and fun... I guess he does like working to get something..." I shrugged and looked around, trying to get an idea of something to do.
"How far along am I even? We've been too busy recently to do anything..." I said softly, pulling up my phone.

    After some research of things I've been up to, it seemed that I was about a month along.
"Of course I am.." I mumbled, "Ugh, I know nothing about this...."
I decided that I should schedule an ultrasound. That way, I could make 100% sure that I was actually pregnant. The soonest I could schedule was for next Saturday.
"I guess everyone's getting ultrasounds around this time.." I shrugged.

   I stood up and went over to the counter, picking up the bag that the pregnancy tests and ice cream came in. As I picked it up, I felt something else inside.
"Oh yeah, the Tokyo Weekender." I pulled out the magazine and placed it on the counter, putting the bag away. I went to head back to the living room, but the magazine caught my attention.

'Tokyo's most eligible bachelors' it read. It showed three people under that title. One of them being Kousuke.
"Why do they feel the need to do that..." I mumbled.
  I went back to the couch and ended up taking a nap. The day couldn't go by faster

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