Chapter 6

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POV: Shin-ae

I was sitting down on my bed, writing more ideas on how to tell Kousuke that there is a 'fetus' in my 'womb'. I had been looking up things for the past several days, and I have watched multiple videos that explained what was happening inside of me.
But how the heck can I tell him? I can't just walk up to him and say 'honey, I'm pregnant' like they say in movies and TV shows.

Kousuke walked in the room, causing me to close my computer quickly.
"Hey, do you think you'll be ready to leave in an hour?" He asked, looking hot af in his black and grey striped suit.
"W-where are we going?" I asked confused.
He raised his brow, "today's the family dinner.."

I starred at him in shock.
"It is?!?" I asked, picking up my phone to look at the date.
'Ah shiz...'

Time Skip

"Ugh, I don't want to do this..." I mumbled as we stepped into the elevator at the restaurant.
"You'll be fine." He said, his expression tense.
"You're just telling yourself that.." I puffed my cheeks.

The elevator chimed and the doors opened, revealing a huge room that looked like a banquet hall. Like, a huggggeee room. It was so tall, that it felt like the inside of a museum.

"I see you brought Miss Yoo?" I heard from besides me, turning quickly to see Mrs. Hirahara's evil smile.
"H-hi.." I squeaked, not expecting her silent entrance.
She walked in front of us and looked us over.
"You seem as handsome as ever, huh Kousuke?" She smiled at him.
"Hello mother" he said with no expression.

'He's always like this around his family.'

"Alright, well I guess the others must be waiting for us, right? Let's go join them." She said, turning around and walking away.
Kousuke and I exchanged a glance before following her.

We walked up to a table. Seated was Mr. Hirahara, Yeong-Gi, Alyssa, and a woman that I've never met before.
"Everyone, my son and his secretary has arrived!" She smiled, sitting down.
'Secretary? I'm his assistant. It stands for 'assassin of Mrs. Hirahara'.'
We sat down at the circular table, but how the seating was arranged, I was sitting in between Yeong-Gi and Mr. Hirahara.

Mrs. Hirahara sat next to Mr. Hirahara, with Kousuke besides her. And on the other side of Kousuke was the woman that I didn't know.
"Oh, Introductions should be made! Kousuke, dear, this is Kim! She is the daughter of my client, the one that owns this restaurant." Mrs. Hirahara said, gesturing over to the blonde.
"It's so nice to meet you!" Kim gave a big grin to Kousuke.

It made my blood boil. Not the fact that Kim and Kousuke were sitting next to eachother; I know that nothings going to happen. But the fact that his mother keeps trying to set him up with people? Why the heck must she keep intruding in his love life..especially when we were planing on telling them about our relationship today!

After a bit, we ordered. I, of course, got a burger. While we were waiting for food in silence, I began a poking war with Yeong-Gi. We quietly would poke each other on the shoulder and try not to laugh. Mrs. Hirahara and Kim were having conversations with Kousuke, but he looked bored out of his mind. I kept noting him glance over towards me, and watch me poke Yeong-Gi on the lower arm.

Food finally came, and I was ecstatic. I've been sooo hungry recently....more hungry than usual, that is. Damn, this child is eating all of my glorious snacks...
I took a bite of the burger and it was so tasty.
"Mnn..." I hummed happily.
We all sat in silence and ate our food for a while.
"So, Miss Yoo.." Mr. Hirahara started, making me nearly choke on my food.
"Y-yes?" I asked looking up towards him.
"How is college going? You'll be graduating at the end of this year, correct?" He asked.
"Yes, that's right." I nodded.

"Ah yes! Once you do that, are you going to start looking for a different job, correct Miss Yoo?" Mrs. Hirahara asked, budding in on the conversation, "Kim here is also looking for a job! Maybe she could be your new assistant, son."
I turned towards Kousuke.
"Uh...I was actually thinking that I could continue to work as Kousuke's assistant." I said softly.
"But I thought that you only chose that job so you could pay off college, right? But now that you're getting a college degree, you could probably find a more suitable job of your liking!" She smiled, "besides, Kim had been her fathers little assistant since she was five! She knows the ropes, and also graduated from college."

POV: Kousuke

"Mother, drop the subject." I said, folding my napkin over my empty plate.
"But honey, I'm trying to get you a new assistant! Now that Miss Yoo is graduating from college, she'll probably fly back home to her father." She put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm only trying to do what's best for you!"

Shin-ae stood up, shaking the table as she did. She had both hands on the table as she looked down with her teeth clenched.
"And how would you know what's best for him? He hasn't seen you in over a year, and do you know why? Because you're a controlling, manipulative person! What the hell do you know about him?" She asked, steam nearly pouring out from her.
I sat speechless.

Nobody said anything. In fact, the whole room grew silent as eyes peered over from every table to see what the commotion was about. Once she noticed that, her anger changed to embarrassment as her cheeks grew red from being flustered.
"I-I'm going to wait in the car..." she muttered softly, not even waiting for me to get up as she ran towards the elevator.
"Shin-ae!-" I tried to stand up but I felt hand on my arm.

"She'll be fine, she just needs some air." Mother shrugged. I looked at her with my eyes furrowed.
"And what would you know what my girlfriend needs?" I asked sternly, throwing her hand off me as I ran towards the elevator.

Once I got to the elevator, it was already going down. Since it was the 4th floor of a fancy restaurant, it might take a while for the elevator to come back up...
I glanced over at the sign that said 'stairs'. I ran over to it, and quickly started heading down.

After a few minutes of climbing down, I reached the ground floor. As soon as I made it out of the doors of the building, I saw Shin-ae sitting on a concrete seat wall. I walked up to her.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled, her face in her knees, "I shouldn't have caused a scene..." she said softly.
"No, I'm sorry." I started, sitting besides her, "you did a better job at standing up for me then I did... I knew that mother was going to try something scandalous, but I didn't think she'd stoop back to that level, especially after what happened last time she did that.." I sighed.
"She just..she makes my blood boil." She murmured, lifting her head up from her knees.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. The busy night streets looked golden as the cars drove by. People walked and rode on skateboards down the sidewalk with dogs or small children. It was genuinely a good night; not saying what just happened was good.
After a few more minutes she sighed, and pulled out a paper from her purse.
"Here.." she said, handing it to me.
"What's this?" I asked, looking down at it.

It was an ultrasound. An alien looking creature was at the center of it. I looked back at her with confusion.
"I'm pregnant." She said softly, looking down, "and I couldn't find a single interesting way to tell you..."
"I don't understand.." I said, looking down at the image, "the date says that it was taken last've known for a week?" I asked.
"I've known for about two weeks now..." she sighed, "and I'm 'two months along' starting today..."

I scanned the image closely, my mind shutting down.
'I'm going to be a father...'
"....Say something...I was nervous about telling you in the first place, and now you're being silent-" I cut her off as I pulled her into a hug.

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