Chapter 9

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Guys, never start a new book while you're still writing a book😂 then you'll end up like me with 52 drafts😂😂😂😭😭😭😭. Damn, I've got a problem😅 and Im not even joking.


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POV: Shin-ae

A few months later: Day of the babyshower (cause I'm lazy)

"Okay, we have everything right?" I asked, counting the things on the table. Pizza, wings, soda, and Doritos.
"Yes. Mira has the cake, your father has the balloons, and guests should be on their way." Kousuke said, fixing his tie in the mirror against the stairs.

Just as he said that, I heard a knock on the door.
"It appears that the first group is here." I chuckled, walking towards the door.
I opened the door to see my father and Min-Hyuk, along with Dieter, Sushie and Hansuke.
"PEEPS!" I ran and hugged them all and then pulling away, "I'm so glad you could make it!"
"HA! Why would I dare miss this?" Min-Hyuk chuckled.

They all gathered in and put gifts in places. I then gave them a small tour until the next guests arrived. This time it was Mira, Wilson, and Henry.
"Hello neighbor." I chuckled, hugging Mira.
"Hey, I came over to borrow a cup of sugar." She joked.
  Once they got settled, Akihiro and my other college friends joined in on the festivities.
We all ate, had some soda, and hung out by the pool. I heard a knock at the door when I came inside for another slice of pizza.

"Ooh, is it Yeong-Gi?!" I asked to myself, racing over to the door.
I opened it, and nearly died.
"Hello, Shin-ae." Mrs. Hirahara smiled.


"O-oh, Mrs Hirahara..." I paused, looking over at her husband, "and Mr. Hirahara...what a..surprise?" I chuckled nervously.
'KOUSUKE COME HELP ME' I swatted away my brain as I opened the door for them to enter, a fake smile plastered on my face as to not glare at Mrs. Hirahara.

"What a lovely home you have here." Mrs. Hirahara smiled, looking around, "it seems my son actually knows how to treat a lady."
'Yup, sure does...'
"Yeah sure...but, did you know to come here?" I asked with my arms crossed.
She turned to face me, "What do you mean, sweetie? I got an invitation just like everyone else!" She smiled.
"That sounds highlyyy unlikely, no offense." I shrugged.
She chuckled and walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"What for? It seems like you hate me." She snickered.

I saw Kousuke walk in from the pool area, and nearly fell.
"Mother? What are you doing here?" He asked, walking up to us.
Mrs. Hirahara pulled away from me and turned to face him.
"Oh, sweetheart! I see that you've been enjoying the party." She said, wiping some pizza sauce off of his cheek with a stray napkin.
"That didn't answer my question." Kousuke said, crossing his arms.

Mrs. Hirahara took a step back and started laughing.
"Haha, you two are just so fun to mess with!" She said, placing a box on the counter, "we only stopped by to leave our little grand baby a gift! Isn't that right, Randolph?" She chuckled, walking past us and heading back to the door.
Once she was outside, the room fell quiet. Mr. Hirahara turned to me.
"Congratulations to you both." He said, before walking over to the door and leaving.

Just as he left, Yeong-Gi and Alyssa walked in.
"I thought that they weren't invited?" Yeong-Gi said confused
"They weren't." Kousuke sighed, walking up to the box. He picked it up and brought it to the other presents.
I yawned and was met by Yeong-Gi hugging me.
"It feels sooo weird to hug a girl with a baby bump!" He laughed, pulling away and handing me a box, "here is a gift for the little monster burrowed in your womb." He chuckled.
"Why thank you." I chuckled, placing the box with the others.
"Pleasseee tell me we didn't miss the gender reveal!!" Yeong-Gi asked nervously.
"nope, was actually gonna do that around now." I laughed, looking outside and seeing that it was becoming night time.

We made our ways outside where everyone was.
"Hello everybody!" I chuckled, "Direct your attention to the pool! It is now time for the gender reveal!"
  Everyone clapped and looked towards the pool.
"Min-Hyuk, if you'd please." I bowed to Min-Hyuk.
"Heh, thought you'd never ask!" He grinned, pushing a button.
   As he did, the pool lights turned on. Bright pink.
Everyone applauded and cheers were heard. I looked over towards Kousuke.
"So, a daughter?" I chuckled, extending my hand.
"Finee" Kousuke chuckled, handing me 20 bucks, "you win this round."
"Oh, you saying that there's gonna be another round?" I smirked.
"Perhaps."he shrugged, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him.

   We ate the cake and moved on to the presents. I haven't had this many gifts to open since...never.
"Open mine first!" Mira called.
  I chuckled and picked up her bag. I opened it and reached in to find something soooo soft. I pulled it out.
"Oh heckkkk no." I gasped, "THIS IS SO CUTE"
   In my hand was a tiny pajama piece. It was a little light brown dog that was soooo soft.
"Yup. This is going to be the first thing she wears. I swear." I chuckled, reaching deeper in the bag.
  I pulled out a brand new mustache pacifier.
"Girl, you know me so well." I chuckled.

  I got through a few more gifts. Everything was soft. I loved it all. Teddy bear, teething toys, blankets, crib mattresses and clothes.
Before long, I was done looking through everything. Mira, Wilson, and Henry all went home. Akihiro and my other college friends headed out, and Yeong-Gi and Alyssa went to their hotel. Dad, Dieter, Soushi and Hansuke were set up to sleep in various places on the first floor on air mattresses, and Kousuke and I retired to our room.

"Well, that was an eventful day." I chuckled, putting my hair back on the bed as Kousuke brushed his teeth in the bathroom.
"Sure was. I wasn't expecting my parents to show up though.." he sighed, finishing brushing his teeth and putting away stuff.
I looked down at the small box on the bed. It was from Mrs. Hirahara, and I was reluctant to open it.

  Kousuke walked in the room and followed my gaze to the box.
"If you don't want to open it, it's fine. She knew that we didn't want her here." Kousuke said, sitting down besides me.
"Yeah...but it's gonna drive me crazy.." I sighed, reaching forward and picking up the box.

   I starred at it for a few seconds and placed it on my nightstand.
"I guess I can just see what it is tomorrow.." I shrugged, turning off my table-side light.

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