Chapter 8

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POV: Shin-ae

"Uhhh...this one?" I questioned, pointing towards a crib on a magazine.
"Ew no, That wood looks outrageous." Mira chuckled, "this one looks perfect! -Er, but what's your budget?" She asked.
"Anything you two think is best." Kousuke shrugged at the counter behind us, "my credit card is at your disposal. I have no clue what a child costs."
"Hehe, a lottt." Mira chuckled, pulling out a pen and circling the crib.

   We went through the magazine and circled a few other things, before pulling out my computer and adding them to my shopping cart.
"Do you know what room color you want?" She asked.
"I was thinking that each wall could be a different one a pastel blue, one a pastel yellow, one a pastel green, and one a pastel pink." I shrugged, "I don't want to limit them to a singular color."
"Then we shall go on a quest to Paint Stop." Mira chuckled, standing up and grabbing her car keys, "we'll be back in a bit boys!" Mira winked at the two sitting at the corner, and we walked out the front door.

Once we got to the car, Mira turned to me and with a evil grin.
"Alright, how about we go get some food first?" She chuckled, holding up her credit card and Kousuke's credit card.
I chuckled, "definitely."
I didn't really feel too bad anymore for using Kousuke's money, especially since most of my money goes in his account anyways. I'm pretty sure that Mira is the same; though Mira makes more money than Wilson.

We drove not too far, and stopped at a burger place. One of Tokyo's finest burger places, which was a lot closer now that we were moved in near Mira and Wilson's house. They had this one burger that was honey, camembert and dried tomato's.
We finished eating, when Mira gave me a funny glance.
"What-?" I questioned before getting bombarded by three people with cameras.

"Excuse me ma'am! Are you Miss Shin-ae Yoo, assistant of the heir of Hirahara Corp.'s Kousuke Hirahara?" A man asked.
"I-" I could barely even get a word in before the next question was asked.
"Miss Yoo, is it true that you are in a relationship with Mr. Hirahara?" A girl asked.
"T-That information is none of your concern!-"I started, before getting cut off again.
"How long have you been in a relationship with your boss?" The last girl asked.

Mira stood up angrily and peered at them with threatening eyes.
"What her relationship is is none of your concern. Now you have about three seconds to get out of here before I go psycho preggo lady on your asses." She said angrily.
I sat back terrified.
'Holy crap, she's scary'
Once she finished speaking, the three people left, muttering curses under their breaths as they walked out from the building.

"Kousuke isn't even that 'famous'. Why the heck are they coming after me..." I mumbled, "and how did they even find out?!"
"I dunno girl, but they will get over it sooner than later." She shrugged, "paparazzi only stay around for so long. They'll leave when the next 'big thing' comes around."
"You say that, while Kousuke was put on a newspaper as one of Tokyo's most eligible bachelors. Clearly Tokyo didn't get the memo that Kousuke likes to spray girls with makeup remover." We both shared a laugh.

We paid for our food, and stealthily fled from the restaurant. Once the coast was clear, we got into the paint store and picked out our paints. We headed back to the house, and went inside.
"Kousuke?" I asked.
I heard a 'yeah?' From the kitchen and walked towards him. I looked around and saw that Wilson was gone.
"Where's Wilson?" I asked.
"He went to go pick up Henry from his mother-in-law." Kousuke said, sitting at the counter signing some papers.

I hummed a 'ohh', and thought back.
"Did you tell anyone that we are dating?" I asked him.
He was about to answer 'no' when he stopped himself.
"Well..I might've called you my girlfriend after our fight with my mother.." Kousuke said softly.

I turned to Mira, who just walked up behind me.
"that's how they knew! Someone must've heard him say that!" Mira commented.
"No, it was Mrs. Hirahara." I sighed, "She was probably agitated that Kousuke wouldn't talk with her colleagues daughter, so she spread out my relationship with Kousuke." I groaned.
"Yeah, that also makes sense." Mira chuckled.
I turned back to Kousuke.
"Should we just, tell people now?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "My parents already know. So, I guess word could get out."

I chuckled and picked up my phone, going on Facebook and changing my status to 'in a relationship'.
"I was wondering if I'd ever do that." I chuckled, applauding myself.

Mira sighed, grabbing my attention.
"Crap...Wilson just picked up Henry from my moms house, and he threw up in his car seat..." she groaned, "and this is why I tell her to stop giving him so much food.. he has no restraint!" She chuckled, grabbing her purse from the counter.
"Sounds fun." I laughed, "give him a kiss for me."
She nodded, "I will. Oh, and we're coming over next week to help paint! It's good to get the paint fumes out of the room before you start putting stuff in it."
"Alrighty, see you then!" I waved as Mira walked to the door.

I yawned and walked towards the fridge, pulling out a can of sprite and leaning against the counter.
"Ahh, this place is already growing on me." I chuckled, taking a sip
"Heh, wanna go in the pool later?" Kousuke asked, putting his pen down.
I looked at him, bewildered.
"THERES A POOL?!?!" I asked, looking over at the sliding glass door in the dinning room, "heh, we're gonna have to child proof this whole house." I chuckled.


Heyyyyyy😅😅 lol. SORRY! Midterms are stressing me out😂
Hope y'all enjoyed 😁

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