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Kenma stomped his foot on the mat, signaling for his finisher, the super kick. He knew he was losing the match and therefore his championship, but he hates the pressures that came with being the top guy.

Sakusa eventually stood, and after ducking kenma's kick, kicked the side of his face with a roundhouse, pain jolting through the side of his face as the crowd went wild, reminding kenma why he had this ridiculous job.

Sakusa grabbed his arm from behind, spun him, and tugged him closer before hitting him with a clothesline, his finisher, the rainmaker.

Kenma closed his eyes and lay motionless as sakusa laid on top of him, the ref's hand slapping the mat three times. Sakusa rolled over and raised an arm, one finger extended as his music started to play.

*after the match*

Kenma walked to the back, looking to leave quickly to beat the traffic. "Oi! Kozume!" A voice called out, one kenma hated but recognized. It was shoyo hinata, another star who focuses on high flying stunts in his matches, something kenma hated as he felt shoyo put no effort into his matches.

"Correct." Kenma mumbled, turning to shoyo, who smiled brightly. Kenma winced seeing his still bloody mouth and chipped tooth as he stared in confusion. "I was waiting for you and thinking we'd travel together, since we're a tag team now!" He said happily, somehow having the energy to throw his hands in the air and keep his smile.

Kenma shook his head, hating shoyo's attitude but finding it somewhat cute. "Right..." kenma sighed, hating the decision to have him tag with shoyo but knowing he had to if he wanted his job.

" have a thumbtack on your shoulder..." kenma pointed out to shoyo. "Oh! That's why I have a stabbing pain in my shoulder!" Shoyo laughed as he pulled out the tack and grabbed a paper towel to wipe the blood off with. Dammit, I hate this idiot...

*later, on the road*

"So, we have a show on Tuesday in...saitama.. which is a while away but we have 3 days to get there!" Shoyo smiled again as kenma shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove with shoyo.

"Ooh, did you see? Meltzer we gave your match with sakusa 4.5 stars!"

"I did see that, thank you."

"Mine only got 3 stars... but your match was so good! I was watching while I was waiting for you, I loved it!"

"O-oh.. thanks..." kenma blushed, not used to the sudden affection. "Your match wasn't half bad either..." kenma muttered, trying to be nicer to shoyo, despite not liking his match at all and thinking it was a simple spot fest.

"Ooh! Really? Ah thank you! I've always loved your work, it's such an honor to even be talking with you right now!" Shoyo smiled and looked at kenma lovingly, making kenma a but nervous. "Oh, thanks...who are we booked against again?" Kenma asked, hoping to change the subject off him.

"Ah- asahi and noya I believe..." shoyo checked his phone and nodded. "You faced asahi at g1 35, right? That match was great! I'm so excited! Is asahi fun to work with? Ah this is gonna be so much fun!"

Wow, this is gonna be a long trip... kenma thought.

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