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*1 year later*

Kenma kissed shoyo's cheek as tears of joy left his eyes, shoyo crying as well. They both held up the tag team titles, having won them in a match that later got awarded 8 stars by most major reviewers.

For the first time ever, a tag match had main events wrestle kingdom, by fan choice, and kenma and shoyo out their all into the match. The felt ribbons fire off and fall onto them, the atmosphere of thousands of people chanting 'you deserve it' encompassing them.

Once they made it backstage, kenma immediately grabbed his bag and shuffled through it. He pulled out a small black box and turned back to shoyo, who was now sobbing and knowing what he was about to say.

Kenma proposed.

Shoyo said yes.

Haikyu kenhina wrestling auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang