Wrestling Dontaku

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Shoyo awoke, watching kenma but trying not to be too creepy about it. He watched the boy yawn and stir, quickly looking away as he saw he was waking up. Shoyo stood and saw kenma stretch and wake up, smiling and giving him a bright "good morning!" That visibly annoyed kenma.

Fuck, too excited, wasn't it? Damn it shoyo keep it together. They continued to get ready for the morning and eventually sat on the small couch together. "So, our show is next week, what're you gonna do while we wait?" Kenma asked shoyo casually, hoping to get closer with the boy, given how much time they'd spend together.

"Oh! I have a ring of honor show in 2 days, but other than that I think I'll just work out more..." shoyo waited for kenma to offer to do something with him, kenma not saying anything and simply nodding. "I might... go watch your show..." kenma mumbled, kind of hoping the ginger wouldn't hear. "Ooh! You will?!" Shoyo said excitedly, practicing jumping out of his seat.

"Jesus, don't get so excited... I don't even know if I can make it, what time?"

"Uhh 7."

"Yeah I can, lemme see if I can get tickets... anyways you want me to drive you?"


"Of course." Kenma said, somewhat looking forward to spending more time with the ginger but overall not wanting to. The real reason he wanted to go was to see if ROH would sign him.

Kenma has built up his wrestling career by dedicating his life to it, having working 5 or 6 promotions at a time and still consistently putting on great technical matches. He spent almost all of his time wrestling or training, sleep and travel barely getting a glance. Once kenma hit his 30's, he didn't sign with any company and was believed to be retired once he lost the IWGP world heavyweight championship to Terushima, ending his record 18 defense long reign. He took a year off to just simply enjoy life, but he found himself watching and studying wrestling more than anything else. He resigned with new japan pro wrestling and won back the IWGP world heavyweight championship from futakuchi in an hour long 5 star classic he planned for almost 2 months. Despite a short career, his body was bruised and stressed from all the bumps he took and relentless training.

He held on to his IWGP title for the next 20 defenses, losing it to sakusa, and being put in a tag team with shoyo. Despite being back in the ring, he had too much off time and drove away his friends by constantly asking for them to have matches with him, usually going 2 to 3 hours and drawing small crowds that way.

He wanted to wrestle more, and hated the idea of being in a tag team so he could wrestle less.

Shoyo, on the other hand, made a huge splash in the indie scene by taking insane bumps and falls he took. His insane athleticism peaked the interest of many fans, dives and flips being his specialty. He quickly found himself working 3 or 4 promotions, loving the sport and never wanting to stop working. Except when he opened the Wrestlekingdom show, where he suffered a major injury and took a 2 year break. He returned later to sign with ring of honor and New Japan pro wrestling, quickly getting titles but also being forced into a tag division because of the huge bumps he'd take, despite loving to take them.

*at shoyo's ring of honor show*

Kenma studies shoyo's match, able to get front seats and a bit annoyed he was main eventing, but still enjoying himself as he loved wrestling. He saw shoyo stumble before hitting his opponent with a trash can, shoyo falling back words after word and onto the turnbuckle.

Shoyo set up a table and out thumbtacks on top, kenma shaking his head as the crowd cheered, never a fan of violent spots but enjoying them a little. He watched as shoyo went to slam his opponent through but he slipped back and shoved shoyo's face into the tacks. Shoyo's face quickly covered in blood, especially as his opponent picked him up and threw him back first into the table, making kenma wince but also a bit disappointed in the lack of storytelling the match did.

He watched for the next 10 minutes, checking his watch and knowing the ending was close when both men were on the ladder with a table set up on the outside. Seeing as shoyo was facing the tables, he thought he'd win the match by pushing him off the ladder, as he saw so many times before and already rolling his eyes at the predictable ending.

He then watched shoyo get skewers pounded into his skull before his opponent jumped and did a ddt off the ladder. He quickly went for the cover, to which kenma counted along with the ref, suddenly invested in the match. He genuinely went nuts with the rest of the crowd when shoyo kicked out, forgetting how wrestling was an act and so invested in the match he wanted shoyo to win no matter what.

The ending came when shoyo did a 420 splash off the top of a ladder, getting the three and leaving the ring covered in his own blood.

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