Chapter eight: In Cold Blood

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-Sasuke's POV- The rays of sunshine blasted down upon Sasuke's back with such intensity he felt as if he were only meters away from the great big ball of fire in the sky. Beads of sweat ran down his neck and the flies sucked at any exposed moisture his eyeballs had to offer. He swatted at the flying little fuckers, but they never relented.

"So as you can see, we have absolutely no disturbed ground or shrubbery anywhere that could indicate a person. Not a single rock or stick has been upturned"

Sasuke gave a nod to the reporting crime analyst, a tall older Chūnin who had been in this particular profession for all of his career, had been assigned to this case. He continued with his report.

"The noose was tied right into the top of the archway of the gate, no fingerprints or DNA left there either." He stated.

Sasuke pressed his lips into a tight line. "What about the rope? Any particular material used? Perhaps something you couldn't obtain in the leaf?"

The Analyst shook his head. "Nope just ordinary ol' nylon. The orange dye is home made though. Using plant material perhaps.

Sasuke said nothing for a while. Still in his place just looking up at the noose still hanging from the frame above him. As a disgusting taunt. A very real threat to the people he loved. He found it sick.

"And the victim? Forensics have anything yet? An identity even?" Sasuke demanded.

The analyst averted his gaze. "The body was charred to shit. I mean absolutely grilled. They managed to retrieve some teeth but were still waiting on those reports."

'So we have absolutely fuck all to go off of?' Sasuke could feel himself getting worked up, his anger building. But that anger was the old him. The child who couldn't control his temper. Those days were through for him.

So he took a couple deep breaths. In....
And out....
He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned towards the Analyst. Ready to give his orders.

"I want you to sweep this entire area again, make sure you haven't missed a THING and then take that rope and send it to the lab. I want to know what the paint was made from, the pigment, anything at all that could give us a location of these fuckers."

"On it" the Analyst turned to his team and rattled off the same order he had just received. And off they scattered.

Sasuke looked all around him. Studying his scenery closely. First of all this entrance to the village is not commonly used. Mostly for traveling sales men or commuters with wagons or large luggage. Due to the door being of a much larger size. So it makes sense why they used it for there threat. But he needed to see more.

Sasuke activated his sharingan and began to scan his surroundings. Hoping to find something, anything. But there was nothin. Nadda

"Alright then" Sasuke conceded irritably. They took there leave as the crew departed through the shrubbery surrounding the area. Although Sasuke, after using his sharingan, was pretty convinced they would find nothing. Looks like the Legendary Uchiha had to take a trip down to the Leafs forensic laboratory.

Sasuke turned on his heel and processed to leave. His footsteps leaving small dust clouds. But he suddenly stopped in his tracks. As he could hear the crunch of footsteps on gravel, as well as heavy breathing approaching. Someone was in a hurry. Sasuke glared out the corner of his eye towards the road and sootted a figure running towards him with great speed. The figure became obvious to Sasuke as the great Leafs Hokage, AKA that dipshit Naruto. As Sasuke often referred to him as.

"Your half an hour late. I've already done all the work for you." The stoic Shinobi stated bluntly. "As per usual."

Naruto stopped to catch his breath, beads of sweat running down the side of his face.

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