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Techno shuddered in his chair as his dull and lifeless pink hair swept over his face. His friends were in the call, teasing him.

Although he acted all high and mighty, constantly leaving snarky remarks in a robotic tone laced with sarcasm he had hit rock bottom in the past few months.

All of the what had been considered meaningless insults had plummeted him to the bottom of hell.

Quietly, he leaned up and lightly pressed the hotkey for his mute button in the discord.

His lips quivered and made into a soft frown as he felt his vision go blurry with tears at the brim of his eyes. Techno put his head down and blinked, sending them rushing down the side of his cheeks.

He couldn't even talk to people now. He had isolated himself for months. He couldn't talk, eat, sleep, or handle anything.

Shifting in his chair, he brought his knees off of the armrests of his gaming chair and got up, walking to the door of his bedroom.

Wandering to the kitchen, he opened the cabinets. Everything was empty except for a few glasses and bowls. The sink was piled high with dirty dishes, but only now did he consider using paper plates.

"My world is dying..." He murmured quietly, watching as the sun set slowly behind a few mountain ranges layered lightly with snow. Techno played with his fingers pressed lightly against his stomach, thinking to himself.

All he could think about was how meaningless he was. What would they think if he was gone?

It would have taken nothing to insult everyone but I get sad when they do it back? I'm such a crybaby.

He continued to look down as he watched the wood floor.

Resting his hands on the sink, he looked at his teary reflection in the mirror. Emotionless with tears that dripped down his face. They had already formed a smooth pattern, following it when more formed.

He ran his hands through his hair, playing with it before giving it a light tug as he became more and more anxious. Every day his brain swarmed with insults people had called him.

Nobody knew how sensitive he was.

Nobody knew how he rocked back and forth with his head between his legs at 3 AM. As the tears dripped down his face, everyone was assuming he was okay.

Everyone had decided to live close together quite recently, Bad and Skeppy planning to go to college together.

Along with that, they had decided to drag everyone else with them and buy a whole ass house to fit them in.

Techno rested on his bed which was pressed up against a nook in the wall. He layed his back towards the cold wall and brought his knees up to his chest.

His fingers curled and uncurled, his nails occasionally pressing into the fabric and stabbing his skin.

He had the same routine for months. Wake up, cry, fake everything on call, cry some more, stay up until you see the sunrise, and then cry yourself to sleep.

And even though he had plenty of friend he could've contacted for help, he bit his tongue. Nobody deserved to worry about him.

"Hey Techno! You wanna come to the ice cream place?" Skeppy called through his headphones.

Techno sat there, thinking of a reasonable excuse to not go.

With tears in his eyes, he walked over to his computer and pressed the hotkey.

"Um- I can't. I have to go to Walmart."

"Oh, we can go with you!"

"Yeah! I wanna push Bad in a shopping cart!"

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