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Skeppy's POV

"Hey Geppy! I was thinking, do you wanna go to the park or something? I heard there was this really nice place downtown."

My eyes narrowed with a small smirk on my face.

Trying my best, I wanted to make him flustered.

"Is this a"

"Geppy do not say it."


Bad audibly groaned and covered his eyes with his hand.

"Aww look at you, you're so cute. Nice shade of pink."

"I'm not blushing! And it's not a date.."

Bad frowned, turning away from me, towards the wall and crossing his arms. I felt like I could practically see the steam rising from his cheeks.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now."

"WHAT?! Alright, I'm leaving. I'm done. Adios." I tried to follow him, but he pushed his hand in front of my face.

"Wait no come back- Come baCKAHAH-" I tried to say through laughs. Bad shot me a glare as he opened the door, just wide enough for him to get out, before slamming it shut again.

It left me with my tiny giggles, still thinking about him. I let my hands fall to my stomach as I stared at the ceiling fan.

It was time for step 2.

Making matters worse. (😀👍)

Unlocking my phone, I pressed on telegram scrolling through all my conversations until I landed at the MCYT group chat that Bad had created.

"Ohohoho, he's for sure gonna hate me now."

okay bad fjne im interested in the date you wanted to tak eme on

What date?

dont act like tou totally didnt just aks me on a date two secodns agi


should've kept it in the dms, skeppy

couldnt have said it any way better than that.

so you all are just completely skipping over the whole fact that bad asked skeppy on a date??

oh shut up dont act like you werent desperate for george to say ily dre.

if i show affection i want him to show it back
do i not have a valid point?

dude stop making excuses im always your fucking third wheel
please just stop it and make out in private so that i can stop suffering

if you all kiss on the date send me pictures

bad you've been real wuiet evedy sicne i me tioned the date you asked me on

It wasn't a date!
It wasn't a me asking you out thing

so what did you say exactly?

I asked him if he wanted to go to the park with me, nothing more nothing less!

wait so does that mean..
you dont love me??

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