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!! Sensitive topics. !!

A6d's POV

I stood there awkwardly, trying to let out small "Mhm's" and nod my head to show Techno that I was listening. There wasn't much I could do, and I wasn't good at comforting other people, especially when it came to emotions.

It didn't help that heavy storm clouds were rolling in, dark grey with an emotionless white haze. They washed over the city like ocean waves, crashing when you least expected even though it always rains here.

There was a singular window in Techno's bathroom, which appeared to be almost always closed considering there was a heavy amount of dust growing on it.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to put too much pressure on you or anything- I mean, you can just leave now. Um.."

I sighed, sinking into the floor.

"Techno, I'm not leaving you here like this."

He let out a small huff before bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his back on the bottom of the sink.

"You should probably get up now, right? I can get you some food, you can drink some water. Seriously Techno, you could've died if you went a day longer-"

"I know, Vin I really don't need the scolding right now. Please, can you save it for another time? I'm sorry just... I don't want to cry again."

My eyes immediately widened on accident when I processed he had used my real name. Something in me shifted, realizing I should be more delicate here. He's an overthinker filled with anxiety and self consciousness, it'd be horrible if I were to make matters worse.

Silence was piercing the bathroom, so I tried to find something to talk about.

I wasn't used to talking to people, and I didn't specialize in comforting, either.

"Techno, why do you say 'sorry' so much?"

He kept his gaze on the floor, his eyes moving and tracing the patterns on the floor. The only light, which was the sun barely illuminating the dreadful bathroom, was beginning to die down.

I waited for an answer quietly, watching as his chest rose and fell at a fairly slow pace.

"I don't know."

"Come on, let's get you some food. And some water, why don't you go sit on the couch?"

I put my hands on my knees and pushed myself upwards, looking down at the pink haired guy in front of me.

Although I was thinking about helping him up, he bore through my thoughts when he rested his palms on the floor and stumbled up with a slight groan.

Techno followed me, walking, well- sort of falling behind me, gripping onto the walls just barely.

He gave off the sort of emotions as constantly alone- Wearing a mask of happiness and fake confidence that quickly melted once he was by himself.

With all the venting he did towards me, I saw him from a totally different perspective than I would in the discord call.

A broken boy with a fragile heart that kept getting stomped on, over and over. He told me not to pity him, but at this point it wasn't.

It was fucking concern.

He told me about how his mother yelled at him, kicked him out at the ripe age of 17. Constantly, he told her to calm down but it would only fuel her flames more. She tore and rained her feelings of rage right onto Techno, like hot rocks.

He said that he felt like a beaten ragdoll.

He also said, that no matter how hard he tried, his mom always judged him, leaving him empty with no feeling of pride or success. It wore off on him, always thinking his work was never enough.

You could see the effect it had- Bags under his eyes, empty stomach that croaked every few minutes, and a dull lifeless glare took over his system. It appeared he had grown numb, but the side effects of being under a stressful environment had began to take a toll on his life.

Techno looked mere days away from death. He was so frail, provably severely underweight. Scratches and scars lined his arms in extreme herds. Some were deep, others were shallow, but the shallower they got the more were clustered in an area.

"I'm so used to feeling nothing" He murmured barely above a whisper with no sign of life in his body.

"That I marked myself up just to feel something again. All I wanted was to feel."

My heart shattered and I wanted to sink into the ground right then and there.

"Techno.. Oh my god."

As he slowly slid down the wall, I hugged him tightly.

"I'm gonna get you food, okay? Be right back."

"B-But.. I'm not hungry."


I looked down at him, hoping my stare was convincing enough.

"I don't give a fuck. I don't need you hospitalized."

He bit his tongue and softly nodded, looking down and brining his legs up to his chest with his arms draped over them.

"Okay- Um what food do you eat? Are you like- Vegetarian? Vegan? Any allergies or..."

"You're like a babysitter."

"And you're like a baby. What about it?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and sunk further onto the floor, giggling like a child. I couldn't help but smile and I rolled my eyes, proceeding to look at his literally entirely empty fridge.

"Oh my god Techno what the fuck!"

I grabbed his arm, dragging him up with a yelp. The slight height difference made it just a little bit more awkward, but I ignored it.

"Your fridge is literally fucking empty."

Techno started to grow quiet, looking down and playing with his fingers as slight tears started to well up in his eyes. He didn't make a sound, but tapped his foot and distracted himself by doing whatever he could find.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I need to stop getting mad- That's my fault okay? Don't cry. You aren't in trouble just.. Um.. Okay, well I'm going to Walmart. Don't do anything stupid, illegal, hurtful, or painful."

"Umm- Okay?"

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