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A6d's POV

There was no response from the phone. At all. Buzzing silence rang throughout my ears, painfully eating at my brain which was filled with thoughts of what could've happened to him.

As quickly as I could, I tied my shoes and grabbed my keys. Without telling anyone, I unlocked the door and ran to my car.

I couldn't tell you how thankful I was that our apartments were only a few minutes apart.

I buried my keys in the key hole, and turned it. I barely gave it a minute before beginning to drive.

Automatically, I was met with dying traffic. People going the wrong speed limit, and stopping at red lights. Although it was one of the most godly hours of the night, reaching around 4 AM, there were a lot of people driving.

Something in me wondered if it would've been better to walk.

While waiting at a red light, I pulled out my phone and frantically tried to call him as my eyes darted between the light and my phone. In a flash, it changed. Oh god, I hoped he was okay. I don't understand why he wouldn't have called me sooner.

I still don't know what's happening, but he really doesn't deserve all of the pressure he has carried on his back. The striving to be perfect, or happy.

Turning the wheels, I pulled into the parking lot.

Ah shit, I don't have a key.

I panicked, wondering what the fuck I'd do. Kick down the door? He could be fucking dying in there, what's a door gonna do? Stop me? I think the fuck not. I continued trying to hype myself up as I ran up the stairs to his room.

The complex was a set of wooden stairs leading up to the top floor, then the rooms on either side. Those buildings repeated for a while before wrapping around in a loop, like walls around the mostly empty parking lot.

Standing at his door, everything felt empty. It felt like I'd be coming back here when he's dead. My head dropped, and I just stared at the wood as I began to let the tears come into play.

I gave an experimental soft knock, hoping that maybe I wouldn't have to kick down his door.

After a few seconds, I braced myself, breathing heavily. Running towards the door, I tried to force all of my weight into it to knock it down. But, it stayed up. I didn't have enough time to google how to knock down a door, that shit's pointless.

Panting, I ran towards it again, putting all the force in my feet. There was a soft budge before a crack began to snake it's way down. I clapped my hands excitedly before trying to give it another kick. The crack grew in size, this time snaking down to where the doorknob was.

I walked forwards, reaching my hand into the hole, trying to find the lock to the door. After about 10 seconds of searching like an idiot, I twisted the lock backwards and reached my hand out of the hole.

Opening the door like I hadn't just dropkicked it, I walked in, scanning the area.

Every light was off except for one lamp. The place was empty, cold, and dim. A few blankets were scattered everywhere, and the sink was piled high with dirty dishes from the last time I came over.

"Techno? Dave?"

No answer, just silence. With soft footsteps, I began to wander around his apartment. His bedroom was empty, although his monitor was turned onto Minecraft. Skyblock, specifically. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, even if it wasn't the right time to.

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