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Bad's POV

Although it had been several hours since Skeppy had woken up, none of the people who came in to check on him mentioned his release.

I sat there with my chin resting on my hand, staring at him as he looked around the room with a bored expression. He seemed confused, and I offered to tell him what had happened.

He nodded slowly and sluggish, almost like he was drunk. Okay, maybe I'll save it for when he's a little more positivitely responsive.

Countless times he'd ask when he could leave, and I'd tell him the same thing.

"The nurses won't let you out yet."

"Whyyyyy? I just wanna go homee..."

"I don't know. I've talked to them about it, but none of them will give me an answer."

Skeppy sunk into the white sheets of the hospital bed, crossing his arms. A small frown formed on his face, looking around at the wires he was almost burried in.

His hair was a mess, going in every direction humanly possible, but hey, it didn't look too bad.

"Skeppy I promise we'll get you out of here soon, okay? Do you remember things okay?"

"Everything's a little..... ahaaha... Fuzzy, I guess."

I nodded, making a mental note to tell everyone that he's going to take a small break.

"What d'you plan to do when you get out?"


"Noted. Let me make your bed before you sleep."

"Wha- Why?" He groaned, lifting up his head a little more to look at me with a confused expression.

"So that it's more comfortable?"

"But I'm just gonna screw it up either way..."

"Well wouldn't you rather sleep in a bed where the sheets aren't all a mess?"

"Bed is bed."

I giggled a little bit, smiling at him.

There was a knock at the door, and I whipped ny head around to see a nurse walking in.

Okay if they don't give me some sort of-

"Okay! Good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?"

I bit my lip nervously.

"Uhm- Bad please, if you don't mind?"

"The bad news is he's going to have to be put on meds..."

A small growl hummed from Zak's bed in protest.

"And the good news?"

"He can be released."

I had to stop myself from almost bouncing up and down with excitement. Gosh, I was so happy.

"Oh my goodness, thank you! Do I have to sign anything or..."

"Yes sir."

She tilted her clipboard in my direction. I took a pen out of my pocket, resting my fingers on the top and clicking it. Thou

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