Chapter 9

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Sorry for making Darryl bad. I forgot he is the most innocent man ever. Anyway, enjoy!
Finn's POV
It was 7:00 PM and we had ordered pizza. When it got here we all decided to eat out side near the pool. Eventually when we were finished I saw bad walk to the pool and I knew what I had to do. I smile at all of them. I go up to him and push him. Instantly he starts screaming at me. I laugh and look at the guys. They were all laughing. But then it broke into chaos. Skeppy ran up and tried to push me in. But I ran out of the way and he fell in the pool next to bad. Eventually we all fell in and it descended into chaos.

Wilbur's POV

We are all in the pool and started to fight. "YOU MUFFINHEADS!" Darryl screamed while getting chased by me. I eventually got to him and tackled him. Eventually he got control of me and pushed me underwater, and swimming away. I get up and try chasing him but got tired. The whole time everyone else was watching and laughing. We decided to get out and go to bed.

Zak's POV
The next day nothing much happened. We pretty much sat around all day. At around 3:00 PM I decide to go on a walk. I ask if anyone wanted to go. Dream and Will said they would join me. So we left and walked around our neighborhood talking about random stuff.

We eventually got back to the house and came back. "How was it?" Darryl asked. "It was good. Apparently Will has never had hot pockets." I hear Darryl gasp. I forgot that he loves hot pockets. Like, REALLY likes hot pockets. "Well that changes tonight." He said to Will "I'll be right back." We see him run  to the cabinet and grab hot pockets out. "I-I didn't even buy hot pockets..." I said in shock. I had bought all of the food for the house and don't remember getting those.

I walk to the couch and turn on the tv. I see on the news same old same old news. I switch it to Netflix and watch full metal alchemist. I had just started watching it and I really liked. I'm watching when I hear Clay say "Oh my God! I love that show!" He told us he loved anime, and since this was a really good anime, I wasn't that surprised. He jumps on the couch and start watching it together.

While we watch I hear Finn say "You guys look so cute together."  I start laughing. I do find it funny how he thinks that. I mean, we are both critics and anything that doesn't make sense, we have to point it out. But we just like the show so I don't know what he's talking about.

Eventually we stop watching it after about an hour or so. At this point, the only people in the room were me, Clay, Will, and Finn. We all decide to go out rooms and do our separate things.

I decide to just go on my phone and scroll on Twitter. I see a lot of people talking about us and how happy they are about us living with each other. It was a lot of work to get here, but I like to think that hard work paid off.
I'm on my room when I hear a scream coming from Will's room. I go to his room. "Why are you screaming?" "Tommy is visiting us..."

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