Chapter 21

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Halloween is on Friday so I needed to get Noah's costume and mine. I love halloween and I love to dress up. I just finished feeding Noah his breakfast so right now would be the perfect time to go shopping.

It was 10 a.m. right now so I had about 2 1/2 hours before I had to go to Luca's office.

I already got Noah dressed so I put him in his car seat and then I put him in the car. I left the house and I went into the first Halloween store I saw.

I was looking at the wigs when my phone rang. I placed Noah down and then answered.


"Mio amore we have a party on Friday and I have to go to it."

"Is it a costume party?"


"Well I need your help picking out costumes. I'm at the store right now. I kind of want to match but do you?"

"I don't care,"

"Fine, we're matching. I just need some- Oh my god, we can do the Addams family! You would need to grow out a mustache though,"

"Okay, I have to get back to work, goodbye mio amore." He said sounding like he didn't care, which he probably didn't.

"Oh- um, bye," I said after he hung up.

I looked at images online so I could look at the details of their outfits. I got a package of fabric cut spiders for Noah's costume and then I went to other stores to get our costumes.

I left and went into this store looking for a black dress. I searched and searched and searched until I found the perfect dress. It had the slit up the one leg, it had long sleeves, and a low v-neck.

I found some shoes to pair with it and then my costume was almost complete. I needed to get wash out hair dye but I think I can get that at the salon tomorrow.

I then went to a store that had suits. I had to go to 2 other stores after that, until I found his suit. Since he already had everything else I left and went to another store for Noah.

I got him a white dress shirt, some black dress shorts, black socks, and a bow tie. When I got back to the car I put Noah in and then put the bags in the trunk. I got into the car and opened my phone to check the time and I almost lost my shit. It was almost 2 o'clock! Luca's gonna kick my ass.

I quickly made my way to his office. Once I got there I parked the car next to Luca's, took Noah out, and I practically ran in.

I rushed to the elevator and I impatiently waited for the doors to open. I clicked the highest number because I couldn't remember which floor he was on and I didn't have time to ask.

I waited in the elevator as it went up all floors. When the doors opened I rushed to the receptionist, "Can you let me in to his office?"


"Luca Revellio,"

"Honey you're on the wrong floor. He's one floor down," She smiles warmly

"Thank you," I walk back into the elevator and press the floor below this one. I rush into the elevator and I press the floor below this one.

The doors open when I go down and then I speed walk to the receptionist, "Can I go in?"

"He's busy."

"Okay, when will he not be busy?"

She looks at me and then flips through her binder, "3:10-3:40, do you want me to write your name and number down? I can call you if he has an open spot."

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