Sport's Festival! (Obstacle Course)

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"WOULD YOU STOP HITTING ME IN THE HEAD WITH YOUR FUCKING TAIL??!!!" Katsu shouted as we were on our way to school.

"No. I'm hyper." I seriously can't stay still for very long when I'm like this.


"Fine~" I hopped down and walked beside him.

"I think I like you being lazy better."

"Well, too bad. I'm excited for today, so you get this hyper fox for a while." I stuck my tongue out at him.


"This is gonna be fun, right, Koda?" I sat on said shy boy's shoulder as we were in the waiting room.

He quickly and sheepishly nodded.

I looked over to see Todoroki approaching Midoriya. Long story short, he said that he'd beat Midooriya and Midoriya returned the gesture.

'I get the feeling that Todoroki doesn't like his dad much.' That thought just popped into my head as I laid across Katsu's shoulder while we headed out.

I moved up to sitting on top of his head as we walked out into the field.

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot. Sure makes me nervous," Kirishima commented. "How you two feeling?"

"I'm not worried. Makes me wanna win this thing even more," Katsu said.

"Not much different from teaching a class of teens," I said with a little shrug.

Present Mic introduced all of the other classes in turn as they came out.

"Now, the introductory speech!" Midnight announced from the small stage.  "Silence everyone! And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki and Nensho Bakugou!"

He started heading up to the stage with me still on his head as a couple in our class gasped. He stood in front of the mic for a moment before simply stating, "I just want to say..."

'He better not.'

"I'm gonna win."

I sighed and jumped off his head as everyone started booing him. After he descended the stairs and everyone quieted down, I floated up to the mic. "I may not be aiming for the top, but I'm going to do my best and I hope that everyone else does. May the odds be forever in your favors." With that, I got back on the ground and went back over to Katsu before hopping on his shoulders.

"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!"

'Wonder what the first game's gonna be. It'll probably be something to eliminate a lot of people right off the bat...' I thought as the wheel started spinning. 'A race would do that perfectly.' And as if reading my mind, it landed on an obstacle race.

She explained the rules before we were dismissed to go to the gate.

'This is gonna be fun! I'll just float over everyone and get a head start,' I thought as the lights that acted as a timer started going down.

"Begin!" Midnight announced.

All the students started shoving into the gate. I jumped off Katsu's shoulders using Jet and got above them all. A moment later, ice covered the ground as I was a little way out of the gate. Todoroki sped up from behind me along with a few members of our class, including Katsu.

I landed on the ground as Todoroki was getting closer. My ear twitched and I dodged a robot's attack.

'A robot from the entrance exam.'

I paid them no more mind as I activated the strength quirk and quickly got ahead. I dodged around the giant zero pointers before jumping and dodging the incoming ice that froze them in unstable conditions.

I deactivated my quirk as I got near the second obstacle. It looked like there were ropes strung across multiple gaps.

'I shouldn't constantly use my quirk or I'll get exhausted quickly.'

I looked back and saw Todoroki gaining ground. I just kept my pace as I reached the ropes. I stopped for a moment and caught my breath before using quick little bursts of Jet to launch myself to the next landform. Todoroki passed me when I was almost through, but I just kept going at my own pace. I spotted Katsu overhead as I cleared the obstacle.

I smirked as I activated the strength quirk and almost caught up to Todoroki before I spotted the minefield. I deactivated the quirk and started hopping over the barely visible dirt piles.

"YOU BETTER HURRY YOUR ASS UP, NENSHO! OR I'M GONNA BEAT YA!!" I heard Katsu yell from above me.

I internally chuckled before making a big explosion and catching up to him. I used smaller more frequent ones to get ahead of him. He sped up as Todoroki started using his ice.


"Just like that, a new pair of students take the lead! Nensho Bakugou seemed to be conserving her strength while Katsuki Bakugou is just letting it rip!! And the rest of the competitors are catching up too!" Present Mic announced.

'Huh, guess I wasn't paying attention to him earlier. Must be because I'm used to the yelling now.' I thought as we fought for the lead.


A giant explosion of pink offset me and I fell to the ground but still landed on my feet. I looked up to see Midoriya coming in hot at us. I started sprinting to the front with Jet just as the other two started chasing after him. As we were about to pass him, he slammed the metal down and blasted ahead. I pulled ahead of the other two and was getting close to being hot on his heels. Before I could get any closer though, he passed the finish line and a moment later I did.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA IS OUR CHAMPION! AND IN SECOND IS NENSHO BAKUGOU!" Present Mic announced everyone as they passed the finish line.

As soon as Katsu stopped, I jumped onto his shoulders and let out an exhausted sigh.

"Well, I'm not dead yet," I muttered. "Congrats on fourth."

"That fucking Deku..." He was fuming again.

I hit him in the head with my tail. "Stop that."

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round! It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine. The real competition begins next! The press cavalry will be all over it! Give it your all!" Midnight announced before the wheel started spinning again. "Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and here it is..." the wheel stopped on 'Calvalry Battle.' 

'Awesome! This'll be fun!'

"Let me explain," Midnight started again. "The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value."

'I'm suddenly feeling pity for Midoriya... I wonder why.'

Around me, some people were talking about how it was similar to the exam, which it is in a way, just with teams.

"You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?! Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by 5 starting from the bottom. So 42nd place gets 5 points, and 41st gets 10 points."

'So I get 205.'

"And the point value assigned to first place is..."


"10 million points!"

'Midoriya, I give you an F in the chat.'

~A/N- Hey guys! Sorry that it's been a while, I got caught up with school, work, and new story ideas. Before winter break's over with, I'll try to get another chapter out since I don't have to work anymore this week. Well, hope you all enjoyed! Bye-bye:)~

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