3- The end of the Witch Hunt

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I think that was the year 4357 B.C., a few centuries ago before Steven's mother, Pink Diamond, came to colonize the Earth. I was the only disciple of the Great Mew for already some thousands of years. During the 5th millennia before the born of Christ, the urban cultures in Mesopotamia and Anatolia flourished, developing the wheel. Copper ornaments became more common, marking the beginning of the Chalcolithic. Animal husbandry spread across Eurasia and reached China. That wasn't mean that they were peaceful times, since humans always fought for resources, dominance and power.

During my stance on Earth, my master Mew and I fought against many different menaces that came to disturb the normal life on Earth. Dreadful and dark creatures which only wanted power and destruction, but those creatures don't only came from outer space or other dimensions. No, from the humans born people with an unsatisfied greed. These humans were different since they developed some special abilities and powers that put them above the rest, who, mistakenly, confused them as god and praised them as gods.

A few years before 4357 B.C., in the American continent, Mew and I started to be frequently attacked by ungodly creatures. We started a research of the source of these creatures, starting to face some magicians and witches that served to a woman that called herself "Enchantress".

The time passed until we localized the Enchantress in what is now South America; I think that in Peru's coast. Localizing her was easy, since she provoked a massacre there with her creatures and the magicians that she had left. She wanted our attention and she got it.

We were at the beach, exhausted of fighting her monsters when she appeared from a black cloud that hit the ground. The woman looked like a woman of twenty-something years. Her skin was gray fully of tattoos; her black hair was a mess. She had eyes bags under her unnatural eyes, which pupils glowed in orange. (I will use modern American English to narrate our dialogue, since English didn't existed in that time).

-What the!?- I said surprised.

-You must be the one called Enchantress- Mew said.

-Yes, and I know that you are Mew and Lapis. I've been waiting for you for a long time, especially after you caused the demise of my dear brother- the Enchantress said.

-What do you want?- I asked.

-Your body of course- the Enchantress said.

-M-my body!?- I said disgusted.

-Yes. During my life, I made a long of deals with devils in order to achieve this great power. However, they didn't granted what I and a lot of people want: eternal life. My meat is weak; when my time comes my soul will be taken by those demons which will torture me for the eternity. But, in order to avoid the death, I need a new body. But why choose a fragile human body when I can take yours, Lapis Lazuli. I know very well that you are not from this place- she said.

-How do you know that!?- I asked surprised.

-You know, the demons and spirits can tell a lot of information in a very short time- the Enchantress said.

During my first years as Mew student, I was skeptical about things like magic, spirits, angels or demons. But when Mew showed them to me and explained me, , when I saw them and what they can do, my whole understanding of the life and the universe expanded.

-I guess that you sacrificed a lot of people to obtain that power and information- Mew said.

-Yeah, but that's why they exist- the Enchantress said cynically.

-You...monster!- I shouted.

She laughed. She clearly didn't cared about others, only on herself. For her, the lives of everyone else were expendable.

-Enough talk. Your body will be my new vessel in which I will domain the world- the Enchantress said.

-I'm not anybody's trophy- I said putting in position to fight.

We had a great fight. She was very strong. Her abilities surprised both Mew and I. Her magicians were already strong, but she was incredibly stronger. She can teleport and launch at us green magic blasts, with which she could also protect herself. Also, every time that we attacked her, she healed.

But she wasn't match for us. Mew alone could easily defeat her, as well that I had a great advantage with being at the beach, having the water of the ocean at our side. In order to equilibrate the battle, she called her people, who immediately came only to be turned into those monstrosities by the Enchantress.

-My Stars!- I said horrified.

-Behold, my great army the Eyes of the Adversary!- the Enchantress shouted making dozens of those creatures.

We fought, eliminating the monsters while keeping fighting with her.

-Why the humans adore a being that only sees them as tools that she can dispose of them when they become useless to her? That's irrational!- I asked to Mew while fighting the creatures.

-Well, there might be plenty of reasons, like fear, they are mind controlled, they are fooled or that she helped them to achieve a good harvest, victories on a war, etc. Also, I can make the question with you, the Gems and the Diamonds- Mew said while fighting against the Enchantress.

-Touché- I said.

We defeated her army. The Enchantress called more people, but Mew throw them away to keep them safe. Then we focused again on the Enchantress. We managed to defeat Enchantress and launch her into the sand. She then extended her hands to us, charging her green magic. But suddenly, the magic started to wear off and she started to age up quickly, shouting in pain.

-What's happening to her?- I asked a little shocked by the scene.

-She is suffering a heart attack. In other words, she is dying- Mew said.

I then saw how many shadows came to her. She said some words, shining in green last one time before dying. Her body looked now as the body of a very elder woman. The shadows disappeared.

-Now she is dead. The demons came for her soul- Mew said with a serious tone of voice.

-How ironic: she achieved a great power during her life but had a very ordinary death- I said.

We left as the people came to us very angry and sad for the death of her witch, her goddess. Poor people, they couldn't understand that she was using them for her own desires.

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