8- One last search

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-Fuck! Shit!- I shouted angrily.

-She escaped again- Peridot with an impotent tone.

-Any clues to where did she go?- Veronica asked.

-No. We will have to search for her again- I said.

We went out of the base and the bank, eliminating the last of the monsters of the city with the help of the British forces as well with the G.U.N. (Guardians of the United Nations) forces, who showed up to help.

-Any signals or clue of where she is?- I asked Peridot.

-Let me search on Internet...- Peridot said making a hologram.

-Vinny- Veronica said while pressing the communicator on her right ear- please search for a redhead woman in green. She is the one that is causing all this mess...no, she isn't related with the Exterminatore...no, only Water Angel is here, the rest of the Avengers of the Justice are busy according to her...also give me a report of the situations of the cities attacked-

-Found anything of interest Peridot?- I asked Peridot.

-No, just that it appears that Steven, Amethyst alongside many other Crystal Gems are in a city to defeat those creatures. In other cities the casualties reached the hundreds, but in great part of them the situation is under control- Peridot said while reading various news report on her holograms.

-All right. Glad to know that Cammy White and Delta Red put everything back in order in London- Veronica said while pressing the communicator.

-Wait, Veronica, can you ask your friend to search for a man called John Constantine?- I asked Veronica, since she was communicating with someone.

-Why you need him?- Veronica asked me.

-He is an exorcist. He is the only one that can exorcise the Enchantress from June's body. At least is the only exorcist that I know- I said.

-All right. Vinny, search for a man called John Constantine. We'll need him in order to end this bloody mess. Thanks, you are an ace, Veronica out- Veronica said finishing the call.

-Well, the only thing that we can do now is wait- I said.

-Where do you think that the Enchantress is now?- Peridot asked.

-If that old man was a Rothschild, probably in an Illuminati base. According to my teacher Mew and Kath/Meloetta the Illuminati right now have 2 Chaos Emeralds alongside many magical and mystic artifacts. If they held one of those here on England, the Enchantress will attack one of their bases- I said.

-It seems that we will be stocking around here until she attacks again- Veronica said.

-I will try to contact Manuela and Kathleen again- Peridot said trying to call them, but they didn't responded.

-It's OK Peridot- I said.

Veronica was about to say something but then her communicator started to make noise.

-Vero here. Oh, you find John Constantine? Wicked! Pass me his location!- Veronica said excited –all right, thanks Vinny, you are the best-

-Did your friend found Constantine?- I asked.

-Yes, he is in a bar on Liverpool. He did a sort of magic show- Veronica said.

-Excellent, let's go- I said summoning my water wings.

Veronica pressed some buttons of her gloves and her motorcycle came just in matter of seconds. She then put her helmet and mounted her motorcycle.

-Veronica, if you want I can give you a ride. It will be faster if we go in the air- I said.

-Don't worry Water Angel- Veronica said pressing some buttons on her motorcycle and this transformed into a flying motorcycle –I know to fly without wings-

-Very good, guide us then- I said with a smile.

Veronica flied at high speed, flying us close to her.

-Very interesting. It's the flying technology yours?- Peridot asked interested for the flying motorcycle, since it didn't used any kind of thrusters.

-No, I used the technology of the Extreme Gears of the Robotnik Corp., but I did some improvements- Veronica said.

-Very ingenious. Do you use the air as the fuel for your motorcycle?- Peridot asked.

-Yes, but I also use solar energy. Relying on just air can be dangerous. By the way, since you are superheroes, have you been in the Stark Tower?- Veronica asked.

-Yes, I must say that the first time that I was there I couldn't believe the advanced technology that Tony Stark had there. Some of his technology is just very advanced for being human technology, it is even more advanced than some Gem technology. I was so excited the first I was there and meet him- Peridot said happily.

-I am envious of you. Do you think that, after this is done, you could let me to have a guided tour in the Stark Tower?- Veronica asked interested.

-Sorry, but we aren't in the relationship with him after he joined the Registration Act- Peridot said.

-Oh, so you are Team Captain America?- Veronica asked.

-Well, we didn't fight against Iron Man, but it can be say. Don't worry, you can visit our alien town in the USA- Peridot said.

-Oh, that will be just great!- Veronica said happily.

We talked while flying to Liverpool, in the search for exorcist who could help us to put an end to the Enchantress.

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