7- Third round

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We followed the monsters through the Illuminati base, which was very big. In the passages we found a lot of corpses of Illuminati soldiers, but bigger piles of monsters death and broken into pieces.

-"How many people the Enchantress converted in order to take this base?"- I thought while seeing the corpses.

We followed the monsters in silence, until we heard gun fire and explosions. It seemed that the Enchantress didn't took over the base yet.

-We have to hurry!- I whispered.

-According to my scanners, the passage in our left is free of those monsters- Veronica whispered.

-Hey, that was what I was going to say!- Peridot whispered angrily.

-Shh!- I said tapping her mouth, since her voice caught the attention of some of the creatures.

We hid behind a wall, waiting for the creatures to leave the place. We then proceeded to go in the left passage, going then down stairs. With each step down the sound of the guns firing, screams and explosions were louder. We finally reached the bottom floor, in which we saw how the Enchantress, very exhausted and her army were fighting the last remnants of the Illuminati soldiers of that base, that were protecting an old man in a business suit that had something blue in his hand.

-I must admit that your forces are amazing, but there is no power that can match the power of the Enchantress!- the Enchantress said launching several attacks from her magic wand, killing all the soldiers.

-Th-the magic exists!? I can't believe it!- Veronica whispered amazed.

The old man kept his posture, trying to show calmed and that the Enchantress didn't scared him, besides his eyes told the opposite.

-Now old man, bring the magic emerald- the Enchantress said extending her hand.

-Do you mean the Chaos Emerald?- the old man said showing the blue Chaos Emerald that he had in his hand.

-Oh, so that's their name? Interesting- the Enchantress said extending her hand and...

I launched by shield in direction to the Chaos Emerald, just in time before she could get it. She angrily looked at me, while the old man took the opportunity and unfold a laser gun and open fire to the Enchantress. Besides the first shoots hit her, she rapidly disarmed him and launched him away with a blast of green magic. She didn't killed him.

-Oh, Water Angel, what an unpleasant surprise- the Enchantress said with a fake tone of happiness.

-The unpleasure it's mine Enchantress- I said while tacking my shield.

-How do you find me? I unleashed my troop across all England to make chaos in order to confuse you- the Enchantress said.

-You clod really believed that you can outsmart us? Ha!- Peridot said confidently.

-It doesn't matter, this time I have the advantage. After I defeat you and make you my new vessel, I will find all the magic artifacts of this land as well that all the seven Chaos Emeralds. In that way I will possess a power that even Mew could not defeat- the Enchantress said.

-Only in your dreams Enchantress!- I said putting in a defensive position.

-Dreams that will be the nightmare of the world- the Enchantress said.

The army of the Enchantress launched to us, but Peridot and Veronica managed to put them at bay.

-Take care of the Enchantress Lazuli, we will take care of them!- Peridot said.

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