10- The end of the Witch

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It started to sunset when we arrived at the Oxford University in Oxford. The city was a mess with the British police and military forces facing the Enchantress's army.

-So, which is the plan mates?- Constantine asked.

-Exorcise the Enchantress and send her soul to Hell- I said.

-All right. Sounds easy- Constantine said.

We flied to the Oxford University while dodging and shooting to the monsters of the Enchantress. We landed inside the campus, in which we started to fight the monsters of the Enchantress. I lunched my shield to them at the same time that I opened some water bottles to turn them into saws and cut them in pieces. Peridot was shooting plasma canyons while Veronica was firing at them. Constantine, in the other, was just punching them.

-Can you just pull magic or something like that?- Veronica said while shooting to the monsters.

-Who do you think I am? The bloody Doctor Strange? The real magic it doesn't like the movies or comics!- Constantine said while punching the monsters.

We eliminated the countless hordes of monsters until finally getting the attention of the Enchantress, which appeared in front of us from a dark dust with green sparkles.

-Water Angel, I see that you bring a friend of yours. Are you just too weak to face me alone?- the Enchantress said.

-I prefer to say that I know when to call someone for help- I said.

-It's your end clod! You won't escape from this one!- Peridot said.

-I don't have any intention to run anymore- the Enchantress said summoning a word, making it appeared from nowhere and when she took the sword this one suddenly engulfed itself in fire –I have the intention to take Water Angel's body and rip you to pieces-

-That's a game of two sweetheart- Constantine said making a sword to appear from nowhere in his hands –behold the Moonblade-

-Oh, interesting. What it can do?- the Enchantress said.

-Come closer and discover it by yourself. I promise that it won't hurt if you behave- Constantine said.

The Enchantress laughed.

-You are very confident to be a mere mortal- the Enchantress said confident.

-And you to need a body in order to keep yourself here, but, I have to be honest, you have good tastes on the ones to possess- Constantine said.

The Enchantress growled annoyed a launched a powerful blast attack from her wand. Constantine made a shield from magic and protected us from the attack a little bit, since the Enchantress's attack broke the magic shield. I take out the Chaos Emerald and...

-Chaos Con...- I said.

Before I could use the Chaos Control, the Enchantress attacked me with a green sphere, launching the Chaos Emerald very far away.

-Dammit!- I shouted angrily.

I summoned my water wings and flied to the Enchantress, who launched at me a firestorm from her new sword. I blocked the attack with my shield and used my hydrokinesis to turn the water into fine ice knifes and launched to her. Some of the ice knifes got stab in her, while some other where destroyed by her.

The Enchantress turned into dark dust and flied at high speed by me, however Peridot captured her with her tractor beam.

-Good work Dorito!- Constantine said.

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