chapter 1

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Ivy's POV.

I slipped into my ravenclaw robe before making my way to the mirror making some little fixes brushing my hair and adding a little bit of makeup its not like its not allowed here but I just feel like I don't have the energy to make any effort , tiny bit of blush and mascara will do. Walking outside to the common room greeting everyone with my daily goodmornings, I woke up really hungry today I haven't ate my dinner last night trying to focus on my upcoming potions exam, so I made my way to the Great Hall with Luna on my side.

it was really crowded when we entered the Great Hall just like every morning, everyone is here for breakfast and announcements, I took my seat waiting for other students to settle down too before I start digging in my food.
"okay okay fine fuck, marry, kill Cedric, Snape or Filch" Luna says making me widen my eyes.

"uh i'd kill Cedric just for Cho and i'd marry our professor" I say trying to avoid eye contact and making Cho laugh.

"yea I could totally see you with Filch" Luna quietly says making me yell not noticing the Hall was quiet.

Draco's POV.
I usually skip breakfasts but today Crabbe and Goyle were nagging for me to accompany them so fuck it what will I lose, barely with any energy I make my way to the slytherin table.
looking around I was surprised on how crowded the Hall was, as I said I don't usually come here in the morning I just stay in bed until my classes start i'd take an apple and it would make me full until dinner starts.

"shut up Luna that's not even funny" a loud voice almost echoed through the Hall making me clench on my jaw I hate loud people atleast not in the morning. Everyone's attention went to the Ravenclaw table as two girls were trying to cover themselves after the embarrassment, did she really have to scream after everyone went quiet?

"who's she" I said raising an eyebrow staring at the long haired brunette I couldn't really catch the color of her eyes as she was staring at the blonde girl next to her.

"Luna or Ivy" Pansy says with zero interest in the conversation, I look her up and down making her shoot a smile.

"brunette" I say still looking her way, I haven't seen her around here before, I know each and every student but them filthy ravenclaws always stay inside studying trying to prove they're better than everyone else.

"uh Ivy" Pansy says focusing back on her food, before I could say anything "she has a quiet reputation if you ask me" Pansy adds.

"isn't her being a muggle born enough of an embarrassment" Blaise adds making me roll my eyes, Blaise knows the hate I have for any type of blood that isn't pure.

Ivy's POV.
I was making my way to care for magical creatures class before I was stopped by someone standing infront of me.

"If it isn't the famous Draco Malfoy" I say, why is he even here? we never encountered eachother before or even had a conversation but something in me made me say what I just said, everyone knows who he is around school I mean he is the only dramatic student we have here in hogwarts.

"Came here to say that I don't want another morning ruined by you fucking yelling and laughing" Draco says making me raise both my eyebrows in surprise, what the fuck did this blonde mother fucker just stop me to say this? who the fuck does he think he is.

"do you have anything better to do Malfoy I do have a class to attend to" I say making him surprised that I wasn't fazed by anything he said right now.

"trust me I can stop you from going to class making your house lose points" he says staring down at me I didn't even notice how tall he is or how crystal blue his eyes are until now I felt goosebumps rush down my whole body, he gave me a disgusted look before adding "you either speak to me in a respectful way or-

"or what huh move on Malfoy I have no time for you" I say walking away before turning back and saying "and oh you might as well go tell your father about this" but Draco didn't react he just smirked looking me up and down, I turn away and continue walking, What the fuck was that all about? why did this have to happen to me many students that encountered Draco didn't end up well.

"filthy raveclaw" I hear draco say before I speed up to my class i'm already late enough fucking hell.

Draco's POV.

She just walked away like that? not fazed by anything I said, all I can think about right now is making her pay for what just happened no one can disrespect me in this way, how can she not break eyecontact while talking to me every girl I ever talked to feels nervous around me and tries avoiding eyecontact but this bitch was staring right at me with her hazel eyes, I had a free class right now so I just walked back to the dungeon giving the password to the stupid painting and entering the common room, I enter my dorm locking the door I lay back on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"Ivy what an ugly name" I think to myself before drowning in my thoughts i'm still surprised on how she handled the situation, it's hard to say but it's a turn on when girls know how to handle me.

I stare down at my pants to see a raising boner "fuck me" I mumble before reaching my zipper.

obedience - |Draco Malfoy|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang