16. a. Gender Reveal Party

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Mark 💖

Since Mark's parents are still in Canada and they can't come over, we are going to do a gender reveal on FaceTime to them. My family already know that we are having a baby boy but Mark's family don't. We are telling them tonight. Well we are not telling them, we are revealing the them by tying a blue and a pink ribbon around my belly. We will remove the pink ribbon and leave the blue one on. In that way they will be able to tell we are having a little boy. Mark and I got engaged last week too. We told his parents when he proposed. It was an amazing day. Mark's laptop is ready to call his family. They don't exactly know we are having a gender reveal thing. "Are you ready, babe?" Mark said. "Yes I am" I reply. I already have the ribbons tied on my bump. We FaceTime them and they answers a couple of minutes later. "Hello" Mark's mom said. "Hi, guys. How are you?" his dad said. "We are great, Mom and dad" Mark said. "Hi" I smile. "So what you got there? Are you doing a little something?" his mom asks. "Yes we are, mom. Since we found out the gender of the baby, we are going to reveal it to you tonight. Y/ N's family already know so it's only fair if you do" Mark said. "Ohhhh that's great. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl" his dad said. "Yay!" Mark's mom cheers. "I am going to take off the colour ribbon off that the baby isn't. So....." Mark said. I stand up from the couch. "Are you ready, mom and dad?" he said. They both nod. "3, 2, 1...." we both said as Mark takes the pink ribbon off my bump. "It's blue. We are having a boy" I said. "Yay! A boy. A handsome baby boy" Mark's dad said. "That's amazing. I was thinking girl but a boy is amazing. Y/ N, me and you will have to keep those boys in order" Mark's mom said. "Yep we will, Mrs Lee" I reply. Mark puts his arms around me and gives me kiss as we finish the FaceTime call

Jaehyun 💜

Since Jaehyun and I are not finding out the gender of our baby till birth, we are obviously not having a gender reveal party for our friends and family. Our parents are over at our place today to spend the day with us. We want to ask them if they can tell if we are having a girl or a boy. It's fun playing the guessing game. We have bought the first thing for the baby. A cute fluffy little stuffed duck toy. We are not going to buy too many things till they are born since we are not finding out the gender. Essential things we'll need of course. Anyway our parents have been here for about an hour or so. We are making dinner soon for them too. Jaehyun and I are going to show them the first thing we got for the baby. "Should we show you something we got for the baby? Their first thing" Jaehyun said. "Ohhh yes" my mom replies. "Let's see" his dad said. Jaehyun goes into our room to get the duck toy. "Look so cute" he said coming back a minute later. "Awww that's adorable" his mom said. "The little one will love that. His or hers first toy" my dad said. "So can you guess if we are having a boy or a girl?" I say. "Hmmm that's hard but I would say a little girl" my mom said. "I think a boy. I want to see a little mini handsome Jaehyun" Jaehyun's mom said. "I'll go with a girl" his dad said. "I think it will be a baby boy" my dad said. "Well two and two. We have no idea if this one is a Prince or a princess" Jaehyun said. "Yes and we don't really care as long as we have a healthy and happy baby" I smile. "Of course, sweetie. You're so right" he smiles. Jaehyun and I start cooking soon. We loved having our parents over today. My dad and his mom guessed a baby boy and my mom and his dad guessed a baby girl. Who will be right? We'll know when the time comes

Taeyong 💙


Y/ N and I are having our gender reveal party today for our friends and family. We are hosting it at my parents house since it's a nice day and our apartment is too small for everybody to gather in. Can't wait to reveal to everyone that we are having a baby boy. We are revealing the gender by placing a soccer ball and a princess tiara in a box. We are going to ask everyone if they think it's a boy or a girl and we are going to get them to close their eyes. We will pull out the soccer ball from the box and holding it up. It represents us having a boy. Can't wait to tell everyone. Guests are at my parents house now and everyone is talking and socialising. Me and Y/ N are staying close by so we can do the reveal soon. I have my arm around her protecting her. She always gets attention from the guys. I don't mind just as long as they don't hit on her. My woman is carrying my son. I see Yuta looking at her. "Can't wait to find out if the kid is a girl or a boy" he said. "Yeah not long now" I reply. Then it was about time to do the gender reveal. "Everybody as you know. We are going to reveal the gender of our baby to y'all" I say. "Do you think we are having a boy or a girl?" Y/ N said. "Boy" my mom said. "I think it's a girl" Y/ N mom said. Both our dads said boy. "It's a little princess" Xiaojun said. "Yes a princess" Jisung said. "It's a boy. I know it is" Ten said. "Okay let's see who's right. In this box we have a princess tiara and a soccer ball. If it's a girl we will pull out the tiara and if it's a boy we will pull out the soccer ball" I say. "Yep. Can you all close your eyes on the count of.... 3, 2, 1" Y/ N said. With everyone's eyes closed we grab the soccer ball from the box. "Open your eyes" we say together. "We are hading a baby boy" we say again. "Yay! I knew I was right. Haha" Ten said. "We can't wait to have a son" I smile looking at Y/ N. So our gender reveal party went really well today. Everyone is excited that we are having a boy

Jungwoo ❤️

Jungwoo and I are hanging out with all the NCT boys in the studio. They are working on a new comeback. I love seeing the boys working on new music. Jungwoo and I are not finding out the genders of our babies till they are born so we are going to ask them if they think we are having twin boys, twin girls or a boy and a girl. Can't wait to see what they think. We are hanging out in the break room now. "Y/ N, you look so pregnant" WinWin said. "Well duh she is having twins" Hendery said. "Guys you don't say that to a pregnant woman especially my wife. Okay" Jungwoo said. "Sorry, man. I wasn't meaning it to offend her. Only in a good way" WinWin said. "It's okay, Sicheng. I wasn't offended" I says. "Anyway guys as you know we are not finding out the genders of the babies till they are born" I say. "I think you should. It's more fun if you know" Taeyong said. "We don't think it is. We want the babies genders to be a surprise. Anyway can you guess if we are having boys or girls or a girl and a boy" Jungwoo said. "Ummm that's hard. I would say it's two girls" Chenle says. "They are both boys" Jaehyun said. "A boy and a girl definitely" Lucas said. "Yeah a boy and a girl" Jaemin agrees. "Ummm it's hard. I don't think it really matters if you are having boys or girls" Kun said. "Twin boys" Jeno said. "Twin girls" Johnny said. "They are both little princesses" Mark said. I think we got about equal votes for a boy and a girl and twin girls. Who will be right? We don't know just yet. We will know when the babies are born. Anyway it will be a few months time

Donghyuck 💚

Donghyuck and I are doing a little  gender reveal thing for our families and friends. We are doing it with the help of Eunsang of course. We all have play guns filled with pink paint that we are going to fire at a canvas. We thought it would be a un way revealing the gender of our baby girl. I don't think Eunsang fully understands he's going to be a big brother to his baby sister just yet. He's only 18 month old which is young to understand. We are inside other NCT house now. Our apartment is too small for a party with lots of people. And I don't exactly have the best relationship with my lashes since me and Donghyuck got together and he got me pregnant. Anyway they are still here today though. We are inside now having drinks and a few snacks. The NCT guys are really excited for our gender reveal party just as much as our families are. Most people have already guessed a girl. "When are you gonna do it? The reveal" Jisung asks. "Soon before you know it" Donghyuck smiles. About half an hour later we get ready to do the reveal but we need to go outside for it. "The moment has come. Our big reveal but we need to go outside for it" Donghyuck said. "Follow us" I say. We go outside to do the reveal. Everything is out there waiting. The white canvas is set up ready. "Okay so we all have a gun filled with blue of pink paint. On the count of three are are going to fire the paint at the canvas" I say. "Hang on not yet, buddy" Donghyuck said to Eunsang. Everyone counts down and the three of us squirt pink paint at the canvas. "We are having a girl" me and Donghyuck said. "Can't wait to have a little princess and this little guy can't wait to be a big brother" Donghyuck said. Everyone smiled at our gender reveal. We are having a little princess. Our gender reveal party went great today

A/ N: so the first part of gender reveal. Came up with all of them myself. Jungwoo and Jaehyun are a bit different. Which one did you like the best

There are gonna be two new members joining NCT in their comeback. Shotaro and Sungchan. Jisung will no longer be our baby awe. Nice for Yuta there will be another Japanese member. Can't wait to see them in the group and for the album

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