Part One Preview / Chapter One

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You saw me before I saw you.

In the airport, that one particular day in August. You had that look in your eyes. As though you wanted something from me. As though you'd wanted it for a long time. No one had ever looked at me like that before, with that level of intensity. It left me with an unsettled feeling. It surprised me, I guess. Those green, green eyes, deep green like an emerald, looking back at me as if I could change their intent. They're pretty powerful, you know, those eyes, pretty beautiful, too.

You blinked quickly when I looked at you, and turned away as if you were nervous... as if you felt guilty for looking a random guy up and down in a random airport. But I wasn't random, was I? And it was a good act, I will give you that. I fell for it, and that is on me. It's funny, but I always thought I could trust green eyes. I thought they were safe like the secure and comfort of the grass beneath me at times. All of the good guys in movies have blue and green eyes. The dark eyes are for the villains... the Grim Reaper, the Joker, zombies. All dark.

I had just picked up my ticket for a flight to see one of my best friends. My parents weren't happy about my leaving on such short notice, but i wanted to make it for his birthday the next day. So, seeing you... I guess it was a welcome diversion. Is that how you'd planned it -- wait until I was in a huge crowd, but somehow completely alone. I knew, even then, that you'd been watching me for a while. There was a strange sort of familiarity about you. I'd seen you before... somewhere... But who were you? My eyes kept flitting back to your face.

You'd been with me since I left London. I'd seen you in the check-in line with your small carry-on bag. I'd seen you on the plane. And now here you were, in the airport, sitting in the coffee shop where I was about to order my regular coffee.

I ordered my coffee and waited for it to be made. I fumbled with my money. I didn't dare to look back, but I knew you were still watching. It probably sounds weird, but I could feel it. I could feel you. The hairs on my neck flared up even when you only blinked.

The cashier held on to the cup until I had my money ready. John, his name badge said; strange how of all things that is the only thing I am one hundred percent sure I remember.

I felt someone move up behind me after not being able to find my money within a few seconds. I turned.

"Let me buy it," you said. Your voice had a soft and low sound, like it was meant only for me. You had what sounded like the normal American accent. The short sleeved shirt you were wearing smelt like lavender, and there was a small scar on the top of your eyebrow. Your eyes were too intense for me to stare into for long.

You had a bill ready. You smiled at me. I don't think I said thank you to you. Sorry about that. You took the drink from John. The paper coffee cup bent a little as you grabbed it.

"Sugar? One?"

I nodded, too flustered by you being there, talking to me, to do anything else.

"Don't worry, I'll do it. You sit down." You gestured to where you'd been sitting. It was a table between the fake palm trees, over next to a window.

I hesitated. But you'd anticipated I would. You touched me gently on the shoulder, your hand warm on my skin. "Hey, it's okay. I won't bite," you said softly. "There's no other seats anyways."

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