DreamReVerse Endings

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[[I know it's technically 4 endings, but 3-B is more like an alternate more happy version to 3-A. mostly because a friend of mine wanted at least 1 happy ending XDD]]

Hatred overcomes Dream and he kills Nightmare and takes the throne by force, civil unrest and oppression is Dream's reign. He becomes a tyrant and a much feared king.

Nightmare can't take his life anymore, becoming to stressed by all that is being shoved onto him and being unable to do anything for himself, he abandons everything, running away. Dream takes the throne and begins a manhunt for his brother. (Whether the manhunt is good or bad is up to you)

The food that has been keeping Nightmare from getting sick and he starts suffering a horrible side effect from it. Dream realizes his mistakes and reconciles with his younger brother to late. His brother dies and by succession he takes the throne and tries to be the king his brother knew he could be.

This ending is very similar to 3-A, but it's a happier variation. Dream reconciles with Nightmare sooner, though Nightmare still ends up getting fatally ill from the food he's been forced to eat. Dream goes out in search of a cure, comes back just in time and the two rule side by side with Dream taking care of his, sadly, sickly brother.

(Nightmare becomes more prone to illness because he never built an immunity and thus becomes sick very easily.)

[[3-B is a happier ending because my friend on discord suggested a happy ending even though i wanted bittersweet lol. but here you go! the 3 canon endings for DreamReVerse! Of course you guys can make up your own endings for your stories, or take inspiration from these :D]]

[[The endings are up for interpretation on whether or not they regain their brotherly bond, or they become more. Of course you can always just have Dream hating Nightmare forever and even come up with your own version of the future of 3-B! Maybe they become more? Maybe Dream reverts back to his old self and accidentally kills Nightmare? So many possibilities ripe for the taking!]]

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