Outcode: Daybreaker

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True name: NightmareAlt

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True name: NightmareAlt./New name: Daybreaker
Nickname(s): Day, Evening Star, Breaker, Light

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species/What Are They: Skeleton

Soul (Color): Pure white, apple shape

Sexuality: Bisexual(?)


- Dream / Moonshine (brother/deceased)- Tree of Light (father/deceased)- Moon Goddess (mother/deceased)

Crush(es): To be added

Lover: To be added

Alignment: none (refuses to work alongside anyone)

Job: Ensuring the safety of the Light in other multiverses

- She is used to be shy and closed off before she became Daybreaker and would keep to herself.
- After becoming Daybreaker, she became more confident in herself and more open.
- She has also become more sassy and a tad flirty since she became Daybreaker.
- She has a hell of a temper though when made mad and normally ends up turning into her Daybreaker Form.
- She surprisingly has a gentle heart and wants to help everyone she can, even if she doesn't stick around for long.
- She's very stubborn and it usually takes a bit to convince her to do something.
- She still has her shy streaks and when that happens it usually hits hardcore, especially if you compliment her since she's unused to compliments.

Basic likes:

- Daybreaker really likes swimming, it's a stress relief for her.
- She still enjoys reading on the rare downtime's that she does get between travels.
- She enjoys singing and dancing under a full moon because to her it feels like her mother is watching over her even though she's gone.
- She loves nature and being in it for a lot of different reasons, one of them being that it's quiet and peaceful.
- Her favorite time of day is dusk/evening because of the colors.
- One of her other favorite pass times is cave exploring, one of the things that carried over from her days before becoming Daybreaker.
- She loves helping others when she can and tends to leave little gifts to those she helps.
- She adores children and will normally try to spend as much time with them as possible.
- One of her favorite flowers are Fire Lily's.

Basic dislikes:

- She has a dislike for romance novels because she doesn't believe in love or that she'll find love.
- She may like kids, but she doesn't like teenagers. She doesn't know why she just does.
- She hates spicy food, it makes her sick.
- She doesn't enjoy the thought of going into underwater caves. Period.
- She doesn't like being alone, that's why she tries to help people as much as she can.
- She is surprisingly not a fan of heights despite her job and some of her hobbies.
- Daybreaker doesn't like grand things, she prefers simple.
- No dresses. Don't even attempt to put her in one, she'll literally scratch your eyes out. (skirts are fine, just no dresses)

Major and minor fears:

- (major) Philophobia - fear of falling in love or becoming emotionally attached.
- (minor) Nyctophobia - fear of the dark.

Brief backstory:

- Daybreaker originally came from a completely genderswapped multiverse, she was originally a Nightmare Sans with an older sister named Dream whom she adored.

Instead of a Tree of Feelings with golden and black apples, they protected the Tree of Light, the center of their multiverse and the embodiment of that multiverse's Light. The Light kept the multiverse afloat, the center of the creativity that was used to bring everything to life. Like a light-bulb it brought inspiration, creativity, joy...but also like a light-bulb, once out all that went away.

How her multiverse met its' end was that an unknown calamity came and destroyed the Tree of Light. Dream died trying to protect the tree and all nightmare could do was absorb the Light into her own body. Or what was left of it before the calamity got to it and snuffed everything out completely. Doing this ensured her survival and the multiverse but at a cost. Due to the Tree of Life, trhe center of everything, was destroyed and the Light gone, her multiverse went dark like a blackout. She was the only one left alive, left alone in this dead place.

Try as she might to bring the dead back, she couldn't so she wandered the dark worlds looking for a purpose. When on the night of the 1,000th full moon to reach all the Aus at once when all the Aus were aligned, when she discovered that with the Light inside her, she can go to other multiverses.

She didn't even think twice about it before she left her dead home, and into a new place full of Light. Seeing this rejuvenated the life in her and she vowed that she wouldn't let the calamity reach these other multiverses. She vowed that she would protect the Light all over and so she renamed herself. She named herself Daybreaker and never looked back on her old name.

What is Light?:

- The Light is basically that spark of creativity, like a light bulb. When on, you're motivated to create - be it a drawing, video or a piece of writing. It's like a light in the darkness of an art-block, that spark needed to become hyped.

In this case, the Light takes the form of a tree, the apples manifestations of different types of creativity. Singing, dancing, writing, painting or drawing, making things out of other things. Even the smaller forms of art; knitting, photography, nature, decorating. These apples also held memories of each type that you have done in your life. When a reflection showed it would be of memories of people doing a certain thing (as listed before).

Typically, the Light is the Tree of Feelings, though it could be something else, but it is always in the center of a multiverse. Extending out like branches and the leaves are the Aus, all connected to the Light.

Bits of trivia:

- Daybreaker has not only absorbed the Light of her multiverse, but of several others in order to keep them alive in some way. She only absorbs the Light of a multiverse if the MV is hit with the calamity, otherwise she leaves the crumbling multiverses alone since they usually come back after some time.
- Daybreaker doesn't remember what the calamity was that made her multiverse "blackout".
- If left alone in darkness she becomes dispassionate and "dead" (kind of like the opposite of Ink who has an extreme fear of nothingness, she just loses all feeling in it).
- She has many regrets in her life, her biggest is always absorbing the Light even though she knows it's a necessity.
- She doesn't ever tell anyone her old name, even she forgets it on most days since she doesn't use it unless in extreme circumstances.
- She prefers wearing pants or shorts over dresses or skirts because she likes having her legs uninhibited in case she has to fight hand to hand.
- When in her Daybreaker Form, her scarf tails can turn into "tentacles" if she wishes.
- More often than not, she actually prefers being in her Daybreaker form since it gives her confidence and allows her to access her other abilities aside from manipulating emotions typical of a Nightmare Sans.
- Daybreaker actually dreams of having a family of her own but she's scared that as soon as she finds love it's going to be ripped away from her like how her multiverse was.
- Daybreaker blames herself for the blackout of her home and sometimes thinks that she helped cause the downfall, or on really bad days she sometimes things she's the calamity.
- She won't ever say this out loud, but she finds the goopy forms of other Nightmare Sanses hilarious and considers herself lucky she doesn't look like that.

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