Chapter 42

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Kingslanding – The Royal Sept

She had seen the room far too many times to be surprised now at its beauty. The decorations that had been placed sparingly around the Sept brought out its natural grandeur, with the seven status of the father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone and strangers standing tall over those stood waiting for her entrance.

Aerys was waiting for her as well, just by the doors. He didn't say anything to her but merely waited for Rhaegar's blessing with the High Septon to end. Rhaella had explained that wedding ceremonies of the faith can last a while but would be quick once the bride arrived, so it would be Rhaegar who endured the most of it.

Arianne, who had a full view now of the crowd, could make some of them out. She noticed however that the tall and slim figure that would have stood next to Oberyn in the form of Elia was not there. Perhaps it was law. But Aerys had managed to have the marriage of Elia and Rhaegar annulled, on grounds that Elia was forced into the marriage at a young age. The Septon's were smart enough to know that asking questions only meant trouble, so they accepted the grounds and annulled the marriage.

The High Septon stopped talking, and there was small muttering and shuffling within the room. Nymella, Penelope and Lyanna entered the room first, all parting ways into their own family's positions in the crowd. Lyanna slid in next to her father, who looked longingly behind his shoulder.

"You look like a girl," Ned whispered to Lyanna.

"I am a girl," Lyanna whispered back pinching his thigh in the process.

That should be me walking her down the aisle, Rickard thought to himself, turning back around to scold his children for drawing attention to themselves. "Are you finished acting like children?" Ned and Lyanna sent him apologetic looks and stood still.

Aerys took Arianne's hand into his, sending chills down her spine as he did so. His hand was cold, and his nails both scratched and repulsed her. Silence fell over the room as they walked down the middle of the two sides. Rhaegar tried his best to keep from turning, knowing he could only do so once they had reached him, but he knew from the tension in the room that Arianne was slowly making her way towards him.

"Now that's one way to spit in your face," Brandon muttered to his father, who in turn shushed him. He was referring to the cloak that Arianne was wearing, it had no sign of her Stark background – even if it was just by name.

He looked at the High Septon, and then to the Mother, hoping her statue would keep him grounded.

The High Septon shuffled, and Rhaegar assumed that meant that they had reached him. He turned, to find his father and Arianne stood behind him. She wore a veil, and a dress he knew she knew would excite him. Aerys passed her hand over to Rhaegar, who took it and led her up the two steps. Aerys moved over to the side and sat down next to a standing Rhaella, on a seat that had been brought for him.

Rhaegar pulled the veil from the bottom and flipped it over Arianne's head, revealing her nervous face. "You look beautiful."

She gave him a thankful look as the High Septon cleared his throat. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."

Rhaegar unclipped her cloak, giving the specially made one she had previously worn and handed it to Julian, who was stood a few steps behind him. He then unclipped his own and placed it over her shoulders.

"Your grace, your grace, my lords and ladies. We now stand here in the sight of the gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one soul, now and forever." The High Septon instructed them to move their hands closer and proceeded to tie with a cloth from his open book, tying it loosely. "Let it be known that Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen and Arianne Sand of House Stark are one heart, one flesh and one soul. Cursed be he who should seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity."

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