Chapter 10 X Online Game?

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8:00am - Ultimate Detective Lab - No POV

Shuichi yawned, blinking a little before seeing Kokichi next to him and they were.. in his lab? He panicked slightly before remembering what happened. He saw that Kokichi was already awake and had his clothes on.

Kokichi smiled, "Youre awake, Saihara-chan!" He cheered. Shuichi just nodded a little and attempted to stand up, yelping in pain.

Kokichi chuckled, helping Shuichi get his jeans on. After they were both fully dressed, they started walking to the dining hall, shuichi limping behind Kokichi.

"Sidekick! There you are!" Kaito called out to Shuichi, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder. Shuichi winced, looking up at Kaito nervously. "Iruma was telling us about the game she made!!" The tall purplenette spoke cheerfully. Shuichi just nodded,

"Thats great" He mumbled.

"I want you to play it, you better fuckin enjoy it!" Miu walked up, giving Shuichi a frown.

Shuichi nodded, "I-im sure i will" He whispered, flinching when he felt Kokichi go up and hug him from behind.

Kokichi smirked, "You seem oddly confident in your game, are you sure something wont go wrong, dearest squid breath?"

"Are you doubting me? I'm a fuckin gorgeous girl genius, it'll be fine!" Miu glared.

"Gu-guys, please dont fight, lets just go play the game." Shuichi laughed nervously, rounding everyone up.

Kokichi chuckled, "I guess if Shumai's going along with it,,,, i can too" He followed Miu as they walked to the computer lab together. Gonta kept asking Shuichi questions, not understanding games and all. Well virtual ones like what Miu made.

Once they got to the computer lab, Miu held up a headset. "So, to enter the virtual game, you needa wear this. Don't get your ahoge in a twist, Pooichi, it wont fuck it up!" Miu laughed loudly at her own joke, causing Shuichi to flinch slightly.

"Oh my god, did you hear that, Saihara-chan? Pervert breath actually said something funny!" Kokichi sneered, standing to kiss Shuichi on the cheek. Shuichi just looked away, his face red.

Miu rolled her eyes, "Jesus stop fucking, ya virgins! Lets just play this game"

"You know Miu, he didnt seem like such a virgin last night when he was screaming my name" Kokichi laughed making Shuichi turn pale and look at him shocked,

"I-i wasnt- yo-you didnt- i-" Shuichi stammered, Miu cackling wickedly.

"nishishi~ really? Cuz it seemed like you were serious when you were telling me how you were shoving fingers up your ass an hour before?~"

Kaito cleared his throat, "Thats disgusting, can we just play this game? Or whate-" he was interrupted by Maki glaring.

"Kaito if i told you i jacked off to you, you wouldnt think it was disgusting. Don't be a homophobic asshole" She muttered, messing with her hair as Kaito flared red and looked away embarrassed.

"Shut up already, will ya? Lets get on with the game!" Miu grinned, handing all of them a headset, instructing them to sit in the chairs. Shuichi, of course, sat next to Kokichi as Miu explained the game. Shuichi was mostly zoned out until Miu said something important, "If you die in the game, you die in real life. Try to avoid harming your avatar at all, even just a scratch." Shuichi's eyes widened in fear, his palms starting to get sweaty. Kokichi noticed this and placed a hand over the bluenettes in a comforting way.

Gonta grimaced with worry, "Gonta no understand this virtual game!"

Miu rolled her eyes, "Come on!" She groaned, putting on her headset. Shuichi just sighed, putting his on too. He felt the headset twitch on as he closed his eyes. Shuichi felt himself reach for Kokichis hand, only for it not to be there.

"Hey! It worked! I'm a fuckin genius!" Miu looked at herself, admiring her avatar. Shuichi gasped in surprise looking around for the others. They were all standing in a circle, their bodies,,, er well avatar's similar to their appearance in real life. The headsets were nowhere to be seen. Shuichi instinctively reached for his hat, worried only for it not to be there. Miu laughed,

"Don't worry pooichi, youre 100% and totally safe in this game! Just dont get your avatar harmed!" She laughed loudly, spit flying from her lips as she talked. Shuichi winced, turning to Kokichi as if to question what to do next. Kokichi just shrugged.

"Well? Go check out my virtual world you virgins!" Miu laughed, pushing Shuichi a little. Gonta stepped forward along with Kiibo,

"Ah- Iruma-san, Gonta suspects Saihara-kun might not like to be pushed around so much by you" Gonta spoke politely, Kiibo nodding behind him.

Miu glared at the two of them then stormed off. Kokichi sighed, going up to hug Shuichi, causing the bluenette to flush red.

"Well! I'm gonna go explore, I think you should go with Keeboy and Tsumugi, Saihara-chan! I'll go with Gonta, Momota-chan will go with Maki and Yumeno-san!" Kokichi laughed, Shuichi a little surprised that he didnt want to explore with him but eh, probably not a problem.

Kiibo nodded, "I'm glad to get to work with Saihara-kun!" Shuichi just blushed slightly nodding in return as they went their separate ways.

~Time Skip Brought To You By The Death Coming Up~

Virtual Game - 3:09 pm - Shuichi's POV

"Saihara-kun, why do you like Oma-kun so much?" Tsumugi asked me in her high voice. Kiibo nodding in agreement, "Not to be rude but, you know we all pretty much despise him"

I sighed, of course they would ask this. I was about to respond when i remembered something, "Hey wait, wasnt there supposed to be something hidden here?" I questioned.

Tsumugi nodded, "Right... it was weird though. The way Monokuma was talking?"

"it seemed like Kokichi was steering that conversation?" I said, looking away in thought.

"Oh by the way... theres been something bothering me" Tsumugi turned to Kiibo, "Theres a window in the dining room, maybe ten minutes ago i looked through it" She sighed, "And i thought i saw Miu"

"huh? But she headed towards the chapel and the bridge fell so she wouldnt be over here anyways" I spoke, my voice quavering.

"Yeah thats why i thought it was just my imagination"

I was about to respond when we heard a bang. We jumped in surprise, starting to look around the game.

"Oh n-no!" I heard Keebo yelp, wasnt he behind us though?

~Time Skip Because I Don't Want To Write The Rest Of This Part~

"Wa-wait, Kokichi- so youre telling me you told Gonta to kill Miu?" I stared at the purplenette blankly as he nodded,

"Thats right! I'm just helping the game though Nishishi~" He yawned as Monokuma announced it was voting time.

"K-kokichi! Thats- thats so screwed up! Why would-" I stammered, "No- I'm not dating a psycho, youre alone, you always will be, i'm bre-breaking up with you" I stuttered out, my lip trembling as he put on a devastated look, and i knew it wasnt fake this time.

((Authors Note Word Count: 1177))

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