Chapter 2: Her First Practice

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As the week flew by, Mizuki continued to eat lunch with the volleyball team, all the while becoming acquainted with everyone, including Oikawa. Although she still refused to come to any of their practices.

"Watari-san, I told you. I will not associate with you or your volleyball club. I see no reason to participate." Mizuki deadpanned.

Watari bowed his head once again, "Please, Sakusa-san. Come by for practice at least once. You won't even need to stay the whole time. But, please reconsider." Mizuki sighed, knowing Watari would only continue to annoy her the longer she refused. So, if she accepted now, she wouldn't have to worry about the consequences later on.


"Please-wait what?"

"I said fine. Don't make me repeat myself."

Watari grasped Mizuki's hands, "Thank you. You won't regret this, Sakusa-san." Mizuki stood from her chair to follow Watari to the volleyball gym. Walking through the halls, they ran into Yahaba, who was also in his way to the gym. The two friends striked a conversation, while Mizuki kept to herself. Watari knew she didn't what to participate in conversations willingly, so he didn't think to ask, and neither did Mizuki interrupt.

When they finally reached the gym, Yahaba and Watari flung the doors open. Startled, everyone who was in the gym, flinched when the doors slammed. "We've arrived!" Called Yahaba.

"Good of you to finally join us." Said their coach. Watari grasped Mizuki's hand and led her over to where the coach stood.

Watari gestured to Mizuki, "Sakusa-san has come by to watch our practice today."

Mizuki bowed, "Apologies for the intrusion, sir." She said monotoneously.

He waved her off, "Don't worry about it. Coach Irhata, pleasure."

Without blinking, Mizuki spoke, "This is the only practice I will be attending. So, please refrain from sending any of your players to interact. That is all."

Coach Irhata was taken aback. He knew Sakusa Kiyoomi was cold, but be didn't expect his sister to be the same. Perhaps there was a reason? "That's quite all right, Sakusa-kun. If you change your mind, you know where to find us."

"I will not be changing my answer. But, thank you." Mizuki replied.

As Mizuki went to sit on the same bench as Coach Irhata, the said coach beckoned Oikawa over. As the captain flounced over, he cautiously eyed Mizuki. After what she had said to him, he knew she was trouble. True, she was a beauty, a dangerous beauty to which he let his guard down. "Yes, coach?"

"I'll only say this once. Do everything you can to convince Sakusa Mizuki to join as manager. Back at Itachiyama Academy, she was known for coming up with planned or improvised volleyball plays. We need her to join the club." Irhata was not exaggerating. Mizuki was a genius. Not only was her IQ incredible, the plays she conducted looked like they had been planned for months. But, she came up with those in the spot. Oikawa gazed at Mizuki, trying to figure out how she ticked. What was her weakness? Everyone had one, but why couldn't he see one in her?

"I'll do my best, sir." Oikawa replied. Walking over to Mizuki, Oikawa waved, a smile plastered on his face. "Hi there, Mizuki-chan."

"Goodbye Oikawa-san." Without looking, she walked right up to Iwaizumi, and began to converse, leaving a stunned Oikawa.

"Mizuki-chan!" He quickly ran to catch up. "Why did you leave?" Oikawa whined.

"I simply did not want to waste my time speaking to you." Mizuki said with no emotion.

The Smile I Saw That Day - Tooru Oikawa x OCWhere stories live. Discover now