Chapter 5: Back to Tokyo

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"Kiyoomi!" Mizuki flung her arms around her brother. The two had been separated for almost a month; but to them, it felt much longer. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Sakusa responded calmly.

During the past couple of weeks, the relationship between the Aoba Josai Volleyball Team and Mizuki grew rapidly. After Mizuki had given Oikawa the key card, the team had stopped by many occasions. To Mizuki, she still felt Oikawa was extremely aggravating. She was grateful for Iwaizumi for always putting Oikawa back in his place. Oikawa may be very childish, but it didn't stop him from lightly flirting with Mizuki. Not that she cared anyway. Part of Mizuki still felt she shouldn't be so friendly towards them, but the other wanted to get to know them and build a solid connection. But, that problem would be for later. Right now, all Mizuki could focus on was seeing everyone from Itachiyama, her brother, and her parents. As Mizuki was lost in her train of thoughts, she was unaware of two people approaching from behind.

Then, "Mizuki!"

Mizuki gasped. She knew that voice, "Komori!" Komori's arms circled the girl, and the two friends relished in the comfort of each other. "It's been a while."

Komori scratched the back of his neck, "It sure has. It's really good to see you. Have you-you know..." Komori trailed off, but Mizuki already knew what he was thinking.

Mizuki shook her head, "I was planning to go after I visited you guys."

Shying away from the topic the two were discussing, Komori diverted the topic, "Has Sakusa told you about the training camp?"

"Nope. But Atsumu and Osamu beat him to it."

In the background, Sakusa muttered, "I still can't believe that germ told you before I did." Komori and Mizuki glanced at each other before bursting into laughter.

Komori nudged Sakusa, "You know he's not that bad, right,"

Unmoving, Sakusa glowered, "I do not." Once again Komori and Mizuki laughed. 'He's too funny!' The two thought I'm unison. Sakusa started walking in the direction of the academy. Once Mizuki and Komori noticed, they faced to catch up with the latter. Of course, they were snickering about Sakusa's relationship with the Inarizaki setter.

Once they reached the Itachiyama volleyball gym, Komori flung open the doors, while hollering, "Look who we've brought!" The team looked up from their practice to see their Ace's sister standing in the doorway. Mizuki gave a small wave, before everyone rushed over to greet their previous manager.

Hugs and thoughtful notions were thrown here at there. But Mizuki didn't hear them. She was just happy to be back with her team, with her friends. But still she thought, 'Should I do it?'


Sakusa, Mizuki, and Komori walked side by side in their way to the siblings house. As much as they wanted to talk, the silence was comfortable. It have the trio time to think - to think about their futures.

"Mizuki," Komori paused, "Have you decided?"

Mizuki looked away, "It's too much of a risk. Is rather my life stay as it is now, even if it's not ideal, I've accepted it."

Sakusa looked at his sister worriedly. "Have you told your other team yet?"

Mizuki shook her head, "I haven't said a thing about it." It was at that moment Mizuki's phone buzzed. Looking at the ID caller, she sighed. "Yes, Oikawa?" The two looked at her. She said she didn't want to make connections, but here she was, answering a call from the captain of Seijoh.

Mizuki's phone exploded and she quickly pulled it away from her ear, "MIZUKI WHERE DID YOU GO?!" Sakusa and Komori eyed Mizuki to which she shook her head.

"I went back to Tokyo." Mizuki answered.


"Uh. Hello? Oikawa? You still there?" Mizuki blinked. Shrugging her shoulders, she hung up and slipped her phone back in her pocket. Not even a second later, her phone blarred loudly. Sighing, she looked at the contact. "I knew it." It was Oikawa calling again. Answering it, she pulled the phone away from her ear, knowing what Oikawa would do.


Mizuki pinched the bridge of her nose, "Oikawa, please calm down. I haven't moved. I'm only in Tokyo for a visit." In the background, she recognized Makki's voice.

"I told you she didn't move back." He called to Oikawa.

"Did you need something. I'm kind of busy here." Mizuki said, quite irritated. From there, Mizuki heard a thump, then a shout of protest. Mizuki looked at her two companions who shrugged off the ideal.

Then, "Sorry about Oikawa. He won't be bothering you for the weekend." Came Iwaizumi's voice.

"Thanks Iwaizumi-san. I appreciate it." Mizuki said. Then she hung up. Mizuki swung her arms around her friend and brother an continued walking to the Sakusa residence.

Komori opened the front door, bursting inside, followed by Sakusa and Mizuki. "We brought Mizuki." Called Komori. The Sakusa parents came running to sweep their daughter in a hug. After the much needed hug, their parents sat Mizuki down. The Sakusa parents looked slightly on edge. "Um, are you two all right?" Asked Komori.

"We're all right. But, Mizuki," paused their mom, "We scheduled you a meeting in Tokyo during the week of your birthday. It was the best day we could do for you."

Mizuki wasn't phased and assured their parents she was perfectly fine with that date. "My birthday isn't for another month or so. Was it necessary to schedule it that far ahead in advance?" She asked.

"You know it is." Their dad said. Komori looked at Sakusa, his eyes filled with sadness. Though Sakusa remained unmoving, he too hated the situation his sister was in. Mizuki told him her decision, and it was only a matter of time before it came and went.

After the conversation ended, Sakusa pulled his sister to the side. "Give me Oikawa's contact information." He said bluntly.

"Sure. Not sure why you want it though. Let's just say he's the Atsumu in our little relationship."

"I can imagine." Sakusa scoffed.

As soon as Mizuki gave Sakusa Oikawa's contact information, he sent Mizuki into the living room with Komori. He quickly texted the words, 'This is Sakusa Kiyoomi, Mizuki Sakusa's brother. I realize this may be odd coming from me, but in about a month or so, Mizuki won't be at Aoba Josai for a while.'

Almost immediately, Oikawa texted back. 'This is very sudden! May I ask why?'

'Unfortunately, Mizuki wouldn't want me to disclose any private information. I'm sure she'll tell you eventually.' Sakusa replied. 'If I find it's necessary, I will contact you again. Until then.'

With that, Sakusa turned off his phone and walked back to his sister and friend.

The Smile I Saw That Day - Tooru Oikawa x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя