Filler: The First Time the Team visited Mizuki

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(A/N: Above is Mizuki wearing glasses)

From her living room, Mizuki worked nonstop, wanting to finish this week's homework by the end of the night. As Mizuki was slumped over her homework, a strand of hair fell between her eyes. Sighing, she tucked it behind her ear and straightened her glasses. Settling down onto the couch, she continued to work, unaware of the unforseen chaos ahead of her.

Meanwhile, outside her apartment, in the elevator, waited the Aoba Josai Volleyball Club. Watari shifted on his feet, "Oikawa, are you sure it's okay for us to barge in on Sakusa?"

Oikawa sent Watari a childish grin, "Mizuki said we could come over whenever. So, why not?"

Iwaizumi's eye twitched, "Coming from you, I'm almost positive you heard otherwise." Matsukawa and Makki hummed in agreement.

Oikawa immediately denied the accusation, and pulled out the key card, "And why is that? Besides, why else would she give me a key?"

Yahaba spoke up, "Maybe it's because she knew you would bother her anyways."

"That's true." Watari pointed out.

"Why are you all so mean to me?" Pouted Oikawa.

Back to Mizuki, she was entirely focused on her work. Too focused to hear, or even see the approaching pairs of feet. Setting her glasses back in place, she sighed and leaned back in her chair. The team stared in awe at the female who still hasn't noticed she had company. Oikawa's gaze fell onto Mizuki's face. The way her hair fell around her face, and the far off look in her eyes took Oikawa's breath away. Makki nudged Oikawa, "You sure you told her we were coming?"

Oikawa visibly paled, "Um, I forgot?"

Iwaizumi hit Oikawa on his head, "Idiot." He hissed.

"Gomen." Oikawa pleaded.

Mizuki's eyes suddenly snapped open. The team reeled back in fright. "What. Are you all. Doing here?" Oikawa took a step back to the elevator. To which, Iwaizumi gripped Oikawa by the collar of his jacket and dragged him in front of the group.

"Oh. Uh, hi Mizuki. Pleasure seeing you here." Oikawa laughed awkwardly. Mizuki straightened her glasses and looked at Oikawa expectantly. Realizing he wouldn't be let off the hook, Oikawa sighed and explained why they had come.

"You mean to tell me you all decided to bother me on a Monday night, because Oikawa said so?" Everyone nodded. "If you couldn't tell, I'm pretty busy. If you came to do homework, that's fine, if not. Leave." Mizuki swung her hard gaze over each member and the froze, expecting some kind of back lash.

Yahaba eventually spoke up, "I actually brought mine. Watari mentioned you had been taking advanced classes for a while and I was struggling a bit in English." Mizuki beckoned Yahaba over. As Yahaba strolled through the group, the watched in awe. 'Why didn't I think to bring mine?' Everyone except the two second years thought. Watari eventually brought out a binder with English. It was obvious the two had wanted to come to Mizuki sooner or later, and they thought ahead. As Yahaba planted himself in the chair to Mizuki's right, Watari stole the left. Meanwhile, the rest of the team watched the three second years in shock.

Seeing they wouldn't move unless she told them otherwise, Mizuki called out to the group, "If you want, you all can stay, but keep it down." Mizuki grabbed Yahaba's homework sheet, glancing through the problems. "I see what's happened. You would have everything right, if it was past tense, but this problem is in the future tense." Mizuki turned to Watari, "You getting this too?" He nodded. "So all you need to do now is revise the action of the sentence and it should be correct."

As Mizuki explained the English assignment, Watari glanced at her. "Um, I hope you don't mind me asking, but when our class does English, you're usually doing something else."

"Oh, that's because I've been studying the English Language since I was little. My mom went to study abroad when she was in high school, and she's been encouraging Kiyoomi and I to learn English since we were little. For example, the pronoun of a sentence can refer to a person as he, she, him, her, they, and them." Mizuki finished in English. The team stared at Mizuki in amazement.

"Wow so she speaks fluent English. Who knew?" Said Makki.

Upon hearing that, Mizuki perked up, "Honestly. If standing is what you'll be doing the rest of the time, I suggest you sit. You can leave if you want, of course."

After the team got comfortable, Mizuki called on Oikawa, "Could you come here for a second?" Oikawa tilted his head in confusion. Mizuki's bangs covered her eyes, so Oikawa couldn't see what expression she was making. Suddenly, her hair flew out of her face, and she jerked Oikawa forward, "I get you're so happy to be let freely into my apartment, but, come invited ever again, and you'll loose an eye. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." Peeped Oikawa.

With that, Mizuki clapped her hands, gaining the teams attention. "If any of you are having trouble in any of your classes, speak now."


The day after, every member of Aoba Josai's Volleyball Club was miserable. Mizuki was the harshest tutor to ever walk the Earth. She attacked each boy with a series of complicated questions in their weakest subjects.

Oikawa slumped against his desk. 'Who knew the cute Mizuki Sakusa could turn into such a demon?' Oikawa had gotten the worst of it. If he answered incorrectly, Mizuki would belittle him until he revealed the correct answer. If he took too long answering, she would grow this look in her eye that sent Oikawa leering for the door. She was truly scary.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to write a chapter that didn't really go with the rest of the story, and this was the final product. Hope you liked getting to know Mizuki's personality when she's tutoring)

The Smile I Saw That Day - Tooru Oikawa x OCWhere stories live. Discover now