Wattpad Original
Mayroong 13 pang mga libreng parte


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Carter Altaraza is lethal, skilled, and ruthless on the battlefield. But after the war, there are no warriors--there are only survivors. And then Alandra Grande teaches him how to live.


Carter thought he'd outlived the war, but the war outlived him instead. Regret and guilt from the death of his friend and fellow soldier made his life meaningless, and he suffers through the pain that carries him through his days. One night during training in Sydney, Carter ends up in rumpled sheets with a mysterious woman—a woman he meets again years later back in the Philippines. What happens when she shows him that he can also survive from a battle within himself? Can Carter recover from suffering and bearing his battle scars?

Territorial Men 9: Carter AltarazaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon