Chapter 11

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Maya exhales looking around her as she didn't know why Josh would take her where she was.
She smiled looking at him as it was very clear she didn't know which way.

"Why are you doing this? Why come and see me? We didn't exactly go separate very well," Maya said.
"I know. But I want to make that different. I know you miss Riley and you miss everyone else. Maybe if you got together with some of your friends you would feel less alone," Josh said.
"I don't think so. I appreciate what you are trying to do, Josh. But it isn't going to help me miss Riley less. I think I need to go and visit my parents or just get away from New York for awhile," Maya said and Josh nodded.
"I also came to tell you I'm heading back to Philadelphia if you ever want to talk," Josh said and Maya smiled.

"I know I can call you. But goodbye is always a hard thing," Maya said and Josh shook his head.
"This is not goodbye, Maya," Josh said as Maya looked at him.
"Yeah it is. The last time we heard of each other was before you left after Alan had died. Five years later we are exactly where we were when I was 15. Confused," Maya said.

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