1.). Familior Face

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( Jay's POV )

I woke up from my alarm clock beeping very loudly, I turn and slam my hand on the button making it stop.  I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes, I never had a good sleep schedule, I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would never get back to sleep.

I sat up and looked over at my camera on the stand that was recording me sleeping. I got up and walked over to the camera, taking it off the stand and placing it on my desk. I would check the footage later to see if anything unusual happened whilst i was asleep.

I got dressed for the day and picked up the camera i had placed down earlier, i looked through the footage and saw nothing strange happen apart from a few strange static noises here and there but apart from that nothing really happened. I was slightly releafed about it but alittle uneased too.

I decided to call Tim to see how he was doing. I walked over to my desk and picked up my phone that was placed next to my lamp, i turned on my phone and what I saw shocked me alittle "26 missed calls from Tim? ..." I question outloud.

I started to panic alittle incase something happened to him last night, so i quickly type in my code then scroll through to my contacts. I quickly dial Tim's number and call it.

After about 4 or 5 rings i heard Tim answer  "Jay?! Jay is that you?!" He asked. I could tell he was clearly worried  but with a slight rage in his voice "Yeah, are you okay, Tim?" I ask but Tim ignores my question. "Am i okay?! Are you okay?! I couldn't find you anywhere last night! Jay ... you almost died from Alex's gunshot before ... hr's still out there and I thought he got you again!" He yelled with a shaky voice.

I shiver at the memory from when Alex shot me, it was extremely painful, especially when I had to crawl all the way out and I lost so much blood ... I don't even know how I'm still alive. ".. I'm sorry Tim! But i .. don't know what happened last nigh" I rub my head as i start to feel a headache coming on.

Tim sighed "It's fine ... but just be careful ... I might come over later" I heard ruffling noises coming from the phone as if Tim was looking for something. "Alright ...  cya Tim..." I say as he says his goodbye then hangs up. I felt alittle more relaxed knowing Tim will come over. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone.

I felt myself getting hungry since I don't think I ate anything yesterday, i decided to go down the street to a small cafe that not many people went to. I grabbed my camera, put my cap on and i decided to bring my laptop to go over the tapes and hopefuly make a new entry. I grabbed my backpack, put my laptop and earphones inside, then i started to head out.

I started to walk down the street, people would stare at me or my camera every now and then but i could care less. I approached the small cafe and walked inside. Not that many people were there, just a few elderly people and a group of teenagers at the back.

I sat at a small table near the back corner so nobody could really see me. I took off my backpack and took out my laptop, placing it on the table and opening it up. I plugged in my earphones and put them in my ears.

I started to go through the tapes to see if I could find anything, but to my badluck i found nothing. I sigh and a waitress approached me. She seemed pretty, her hair was a dark brown with curles at the end, it was short up to her shoulders. Her skin was tanned and she had a polite smile. "Hello sir, may I take your order?"  She asked politely.

I think for a moment before ordering "Yes, can I have some french toast with Coffee?" I ask. She smiles "How many sugars would you like in your coffee, sir?" She asks. "Two, please." I smile as she writes it down. "I'll be right out with your order, Sir." She walked away as i say a quick thank you to her.

I continued looking through the tapes. I was watching Entry #54 "Good news guys, we have a flashlight!" Tim says alittle dramaticly. "Even better news, guess what's battery powered." Alex says as he plays the keyboard beats. "Ohh, this day just got so much better." Tim says with a hint of sarcasm.

I chuckle to myself, seeing Alex in the past made me smile because I missed those times. I missed the old Alex. I sigh to myself as i notice a plate being placed next to me, i look up to see the waistress placing the cup of coffee down. "Thank you, ma'am" I smile politely. She nods and walks back behind the counter.

I take a bite of my french toast and continue looking through the tapes, until i saw an awfuly familiar person walk in, the man was wearing a yellow hoodie, his hair was a light brown and he had a faded beard. I stared at him because I knew exactly who it was.

It was Brian.

I was stunned to see him of all people here, It took me by surprised but i decided to hide myself, i hid under my cap and my laptop, he walked up to the counter and spoke to the waitress that was with me earlier. "What can I get you Sir?" She asked. "Can I just get a small coffee with two sugars, please?" Brian spoke quietly as if he didn't want to be heard. "Sure, it'll be right out for you."

Brian sat at the table right behind me, It made me panic slightly because he could've saw the tapes I was watching, i close my laptop quickly and hoped he never saw it. I take a sip of my coffee and glanced over my shoulder every now and then. Brian seemed very anxious and he was kepping his head down.

Why is he here?


That was Chapter one :)
Hope.you liked it ...
This is my second ever fanfic so I'm really sorry If it's bad

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