3.) The Truth

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( Jay's POV )

I was trembling as Alex layed his finger on the trigger, I closed my eyes tightly preparing to feel the pain I felt weeks ago, but I heard  and felt nothing.

I slowly and hesitantly opened up my eyes to find Alex putting the gun on his desk, he sat down on his chair without saying a word. "A-Alex?" I stutter his name. He didn't say a word, he just stared at me.

It was alittle creepy but after everything I've experienced it wasn't that creepy. "I watched that entry, what Brian told you is true." He turned away from me. I stare at him alittle surprised and confused. "If it's true then why did you shoot me?" I ask, still alittle scared.

Alex stayed silent for a moment. "I don't know... when i pulled out that gun it was like i was in idle mode... i didn't want to shoot you... I just wanted to scare you so you would run... but something made me shoot... I don't know what but... I couldn't control it... I-I'm sorry, Jay."

Those words surprised me, I never thought Alex would apologize and I never thought he was trying to protect me and Tim. "Alex, I forgive you." Even after all that's happened. I still forgive Alex, he was only trying to protect us...

Alex stared at me alittle shocked "You do?" I nod and look up at him with a small reasuring smile. He sat there for a moment but got up, opened one of his drawers and pulled out a 6 inch blade then he started to walk towards me.

I panicked alittle and squirmed "Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you." He mumbled as he started to cut the rope that was tied around my ankles and wrists. I sat up as he took a step back, placing the blade next to the gun on the desk.

"So... how long have i been here?" I turn to him. "Around 16 hours..." my eyes widen slightly, was i really out for that long!?  "That long?! I-I need my phone! My camera! I need to-" Alex cut me off by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey... calm down... your camera is on the bed, your phone is back at your hotel room." He took his hand away as i exhale and get up. I took my camera from the bed and noticed it was still recording. I sigh of releaf and turn to Alex.

"So, what now?" I tilt my head as he looks at me. "... I don't know..." he scratched the back of his head. I look over at the window and my eyes widen as i saw that tal, faceless creature staring right at me.

I quickly duck and pull Alex down with me "What are you doing?" He asks, but I ignore him and point my camera up at the window to try and catch the figure again. Alex just stared at me with a confused expression.

"It's out there..." I whisper. "What is?" Alex says alittle louder than me. "That- thing!  .. I saw it!" I slowly stood up and stared out the window to find nothing... nothing at all. Alex stood up and stared outside. "Jay, there's nothing out there..." Alex looked over at me.

I rub my head as i start to feel a very painful headache come on "I-I think I should go..." I mutter before walking out the room, I heard Alex talking but it was muffled over the sound of static and beeping in my ears.

I start to cough manicaly. I fell to my knees and kept coughing, Alex tried to help me up but I couldn't stand. The last thing i remember is seeing that same tal figure standing outside the window then the darkness took over me.

I woke up in my hotel room, after remembering what happened I sat up and glanced around my room, It was light outside, my camera was on my desk next to me. I grabbed it to see if it was still recording, and it was.

I got up and i jumped at the sound of my phone vibrating, i looked over and saw it was Tim calling. I grabbed my phone from the desk and saw it was 6 am...  I've been gone for a day without Tim even knowing where i was.

I swipe to answer the call and before I could even speak I heard Tim's aggressive tone "Jay! Is that you?! Where the hell have you been?!" He yelled through the phone. "T-Tim! Listen I can explain! I was with Alex and-" he cut me off. "Alex?! You were with ALEX?! ARE YOU STUPID?! DO YOU EVEN REMENBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME?! HE ALMOST FUCKING KILLED YOU JAY!" Tim practically screams at me. "Tim! Calm down! Just- look! Come over! Tonight! I'll explain everything!" I heard Tim's raspy breathing then an exhales "I'm coming over at 10:30 am. " before i could even say another word he hung up the phone.

I sigh and place my phone on my desk. I felt bad for making Tim so worried. I waited a few minutes before picking my phone back up and dialing Alex's number then I called it. I wasn't expecting an answer since Alex never did answer his phone, and i was correct. Their was no answer and i sighed.

I grabbed the camera and decided to go through the footage to figure out what happened last night. I started watching the footage and Alex was dragging me to his apartment

Then i watched as he tied me.up, he stared at me for hours which kinda creeped me out  alittle. After a few hours of him staring at me he left, i soon woke up then we had our talk.

It got to the part where i was poking my camera up to see that figure but to my surprise nothing showed up on the camera apart from the trees and the dark forest.

Aftee that i started to walk out and i guess that's when i blacked out because i heard ruffling noises, i couldn't see what was happening since my camera fell facing a wall.

I asumed it was Alex carrying me over his shoulder, Alex picked up my camera and walked out. Nothing really happened after that, just Alex driving to my hotel room and placing me on my bed.

I sigh and close my eyes to think for awhile until Tim comes over.

Jaylex ( Marble Hornets )Where stories live. Discover now