4.) One Night

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( Jay's POV )

It was around 11 PM and Tim still hasn't showed up, I was starting to get alittle worried incase something happened to him. I grabbed my phone and I was about to call Tim until i heard a loud knock on my door.

I got up and walked to the door, asuming it was Tim i opened the door without looking through the peep hole. But to my surprise it wasn't Tim at the door it was Alex.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I ask, but he dosen't answer me. Instead he just lets himself inside and closes the door behind him. I got alittle anxious, just bexause I forgave Alex dosen't mean I trust him.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He locks the door and turns to me, I start to get paranoid now and I grab a pen from my desk since it was the only sharp object that was near me.

Alex stayed silent for a few seconds until i could hear fast and heavy footsteps from outside the door, then i heard very loud and disturbing bangs on the door. "ALEX! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" I heard Tim yell from outisde the door.

I immediently knew Tim was trying to hurt or even kill Alex, so i quickly usher for Alex to hide under the bed, he does so and I walk to the door. "Tim? It's Jay." I say as I unlock and open the door.

"Alex! I know he's in here! Jay don't even fucking lie and say he isn't!" Tim yelled. I stared at him "Why would Alex be here? I just woke up Tim... i was waiting for you to get here and i dozed off." I lie to him, i felt bad for lying but I had to protect Alex just like he was protecting me.

I saw a shine from Tim's pocket as i saw a blade. "Jesus christ Tim, you weren't trying to kill him, were you?" I ask as i quiet down my voice. Tim stayed silent. He sighed and i saw him starting to calm down. "If Alex dies we won't have anymore problems" Tim mumbled.

I snatch the blade from his pocket quickly and stared at Tim. "Tim. He was trying to protect us, last night he may or may not have kidnapped me and-" Tim didn't let me finish. "HE WHAT?! DID HE HURT YOU?!" Tim screams at me.

"No! Shut up and listen to me!" I inhale. "Listen. Alex was only trying to protect us, he took me to his apartment then told me what Brian told us was true. He wants to protect us from that... that thing that keeps stalking us. If he wasn't trying to protect us then he would've left me at his home, woith that creature. I blacked out and he carried me back to this hotel room!" I explain.

I saw Tim's expression, it was a mix of confusion and surprise. "B-But what if he's lying?!" Tim started to go on and on about the ''what if'' situations.

I put both my hands on his shoulders "Tim! Come in! I'll show you the footage of last night, okay?" I suggest. Tim takes a moment but he nods and follows me inside.

About an hour later I've shown Tim all the footage from last night, we talked for about half an hour about all of it and Tim still didn't forgive Alex but he promised not to try and hurt him unless Alex tried to hurt him, Brian or me.

Tim left and I layed back down on my bed for a moment until I heard movment from under my bed. "Well, you sure took your time." I jumped until I realized Alex was under my bed this whole time, how the hell did i even forget he was here?!

"You scared me!" I frown and look up at him. "Well, you try laying under a bed for an hour and a half. It's not very comfortable, you know." He stared down at me. "Oh... " He chuckled.

He sat down next to me. "So, Tim won't try and murder me anymore?" He asks. I nod "Yeah, but he dosen't trust you around me or Brian though... but you can't really blame him for that." He nods slightly.

"You might say no to this, since I know you don't trust me but... can i stay tonight?" He asks. I stay silent. It would be nice to have someone stay with me instead of being alone but Alex... If i say yes he might just be tricking me.

"It's fine if you say no, I just don't want to be alone..." He looked away. I exhale and decide to give him a chance. "Alright... you can stay." He turned and smiled alittle, his smile made me feel... warm and somewhat safe...

Me and Alex spoke for hours and it made me feel happy, it felt like the old times, it felt like I had the old Alex back... but I knew things could never go back to the way they were, not after what happened...

It was getting pretty late so we both decided to go to sleep. "Wait, where am I gonna sleep?" He asks, then I realize this was a small room with only one bed. "Uhhhhh..." I had no clue on where he could sleep.  "I mean, you could sleep in the same bed as me. It's not THAT weird ... unless you would prefer to sleep on the floor." I say alittle awkwardly since we both knew it was pretty much the only option. "Alright... It's not That weird.." he shrugged.

We both layed down next to eachother, I never got that much sleep. I would either wake up in the middle of the night or I wouldn't sleep at all... but for some reasson having Alex right next to made just made me fall asleep quite quickly, and i slept like a baby for the whole night.

i woke up the next morning but not to my alarm clock, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I felt my face getting warm. "A-Alex?" I heard quiet snoring convincing me that Alex was sleeping.

But the thing was, I liked his arm around me, it made me feel safe. It felt comfortable, I turn to look at Alex. His arm was still around me and i got alittle closer to him, it made me feel so safe... so warm... I snuggled ny head into his chest, I liked this feeling ...

It felt nice ...

Ahhh, me stuffing my face with chicken nuggets and realizing I won't find someone to snuggle into, like Jay does.

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