2.) Information

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( Jay's POV )

Brian sipped his coffee and I could tell he was tense, his body language showed that he was anxious and he kept trying to hide himself. I opened my bag and placed my laptop inside along with my earphones, i zipped the bag up and put it over my back. I decided I had to go talk to Brian.

I got up, grabbed my camera and started to approach him, but as soon as we made eye contact he put some money on the table for the waitress, then he got up and speed walked to the door and walked out. It was extremely suspicious. I put some money on my table for the waitress.

I followed far behind him, he knows something, and I need to know what it is. Brian walked for a solid 10 minutes and he pulled up his hood then he pulled something else up, i couldn't quite make out what it was since i was a good distance from him and he wasn't facing me. But it looked extremely familior to the man in the hooide ... could it be him?

He walked for at least another 6 minutes until I realized he was standing outside of Tim's house. He slid open a window and climbed inside, I climbed in alittle later after him. He headed silently towards the bathroom and opened the door, I hid behind a wall and watched him through the camera.

I heard plastic being moved around quite aggressivly and I can only asume it's Tim's pills he's looking for. Brian walked out and I saw the same mask that the hooded man was wearing. It is Brian.

I didn't hesitate, I ran up to Brian and tackled him to the ground. I heard a grunt from him and he writhed. Brian was stronger than me so I couldn't keep him down forever. "I know it's you Brian!" I yell and growl. He stops.

I heard footsteps coming out of the other room, I turn to see Tim standing there with a knife held in his hand "Jay?" He runs to me and held down Brian. I kneeled down and pulled the mask off of Brian's face.

Brian's facical expression was a mix of anger and fear. Tim's expression switched from rage to shock. "It's Brian. It's been Brian this whole time" I say as Brian tenses up again. Tim losened his grip and got off Brian, Brian didn't try to run because he knew he was out numbered.

Brian sat up but didn't say a word or make any eye contact with me and Tim. "So, you're the one that's been stealing my pills? You're the one that ran?! You're the one that never spoke up before?!" Tim started to get aggressive again but I stepped in more calmly "Tim, I know you're mad but yelling won't get anywhere" Tim exhaled.

"I didn't want to hurt you or Jay, I wanted to kill Alex ... " I heard Brian mutter as me and Tim turn to him. "But why did you hide? Why didn't you just tell us?" I ask. Brian looked down with guilt and he shrugged slightly, not wanting to say his reasson for why he was hiding.

Tim sighed as I picked up my camera that's been recording the whole time. "Brian, I'll ask you now. Do you know anything that we don't?" Tim asks slightly more calm than before. Brian stayed silent for a moment.

" ... All I know is that Alex ... I don't think he wants to hurt you. It sounds off and it makes me look suspicious but It's just what I think ... I think he wants you to stay away from him so you'll be safe ... safe from that ... thing ... the operator ... "  Brian explains. It took me by surprise but I didn't believe him.

"Why would he want to keep us safe? He shot Jay!" Tim yells. Brian sighed " I don't know ... It's just what I think, he may want to kill you. I just think he's trying to protect you" Brian looks down.

(Timeskip: 7 Hours )

I was laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I didn't believe Brian but he could be right, i doubt it though. It's been a long day and I've just discovered alot of new information.

I sat up and walked over to my laptop and starting to edit the video of all that just happened. It took awhile but I couldn't sleep. I uploaded the new entry and exhaled.

I set the camera on it's stand and layed back down on my bed, I close my eyes and eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of loud banging on my hotel room door, I jumped at the sudden sound that wouldn't stop. I got up, quickly shoved my shoes and hoodie on, grabbed my camera from its stand and walked over to the door.

I unlocked and opened it, i glanced at the man infront of me and my heart just stopped. It wasn't Tim, it wasn't Brian.

It was Alex.

I stared at him and before I could do anything he covered my mouth with a cloth, the next thing I knew I was being chloroformed and the last thing i saw was darkness.

I woke up but I soon realized my hands were tied behind my back and I started to panic. "Hello?! Help! Anyone?!" I scream out to try and get some answer but I got nothing. I looked at my surrounded and I immediently recognized where I was. I was in Alex's house and that's when I started to really panic.

I writhed and tried to move but my legs were also tied, and just then I heard the door swing open, revealing a very apathetic looking Alex staring right at me. "Alex ... " I say trying to stay calm.

He pulled out a small handgun from his pocket and my eyes widen from fear "A-Alex please don't! Not again!" I whimper and beg for him not to kill me. I was terrified at this point.

Sorry xD

Jaylex ( Marble Hornets )Where stories live. Discover now