5.) Breakfast

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( Alex's POV )

I woke up to an annoying beeping noise next to me, I turn and realize it's Jay's alarm clock flashing 6:00 AM ... I forgot I slept here last night. I push the button to turn the alarm clock off then I turn back and notice Jay was just snuggling into me.

I blushed at the sight of him, he was so cute... he always made me smile... and when I shot him i couldn't get rid of the guilt, I will never forgive myself for that.

I started to run my fingers through his soft hair, i noticed the bags under his eyes and i sighed. I wish he would sleep some more. Just as i was staring at him I saw him starting to wake up.

I pull away from him and I acted like i wasn't cuddling him. He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes "What time is it?" He yawned. It made him look so cute... "It's 6 in the morning, you can go back to sleep if you want." I suggest. In all honesty i just wanted to hold him close to me again...

He shook his head and stretched his arms. "Nope! I'm trying to get a good sleep routine, Al!" I chuckle at the nickname. I adore him... everything about him, I just love it...

He smiled and got up from the bed, I get up aswell. I heard Jay's phone ring as he picks it up and galnced at me. He covered his own lips with his finger, signaling for me to stay quiet. He answered and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hey Tim" It was Tim. I sat back down and stared out the window. Jay kept talking to Tim and he sounded so happy, sometimes i felt like he may have a thing for Tim. That hurt me and it really made the jealousy hit me.

I exhale and I decided I would tell him how I felt... tonight. "Cya Tim!" I heard Jay as he hung up the phone and turned to me. "Wanna go get breakfast at that Cafe down the street?" He asks. I nod and get up.

We both got dressed and started to head out, Jay took his camera and for some reasson he brough his flashlight (HE BROUGHT HIS DOG- sorry-)  We got into my car and I  started to drive down to the cafe. I glanced at Jay every now and then just to see his cute smirk, he really is adorable ... I wish i could just hold his hand and tell him how much i adore him... we arrived at the cafe and we both stepped out of the car.

We entered the cafe and guess who we see sitting at the back table, Tim and Brian. Me and the two stared right at eachother quite puzzled. Jay on the other hand waved and walked up to them "Tim! Brian! What are you two doing here?" Jay asks as he sits across from.them.

I decided to join them, after all... I want to gain their trust again. I walked over and sat down next to Jay. Tim was giving me a death glare and Brian just kept his head down.

( Tim's POV )

I death glared at Alex, I don't care how much Jay trusts him, he will never get my forgivness. Just then a waitress walked over to our table. "Good morning gentlemen, what can I get for you all?" She smiled.

"Can I have some french toast with some coffee, two sugars ,please?" Jay ordered. He always ordered the same thing, i don't blame him though, the french toast here is delicious.

"Can I have a slice of cheesecake with some milk, please?" Brian has always had a liking to cheesecake... it makes him alittle cute...

"Can I have some... bacon with... tea, please?" Alex says, alittle more quiet then all of us. "How many sugar would you like in your tea, sir?" The waitress asks. "... t-two please." Alex seemed somewhat anxious but i could care less.

"And what can I get you, sir?" She turns to me with a gentle smile. "Can I have a plate of waffles with coffee, please?" Brian, Alex and Jay glanced at me. To be honest I've been having a strange craving for waffles and it's something i would normally dislike eating.

"Alright! I'll have it all out for you soon" the waitress smiled and walked into the kitchen. "So waffles? Really?" Brian turns to me. "Hey man, I've been having an awfully strange craving for it, mkay? It's like there's a very annoying voice talking about waffles all the time"  (see where I'm going with this?)  I shrug at my dumb description.

Jay chuckled "Pfft! Well waffles are delicious!" He smiled. "No, they aren't" I fold my arms.

( Jay's POV )

"Oh yeahh? If they aren't then why are ya ordering them?" I smirk and he huffs. "Shush." He mutters. I smile as we all start to talk about some random things, Alex only spoke when he was spoken to. It made me alittle sad, i wanted Tim and Brian to trust Alex again...

Me and Brian were talking about editting stuff which seemed pretty boring to Alex and Tim, but i quickly paused as i felt someone grab my hand from under the table. I turn to Alex who was keeping his head down.

My face turned a bright red. "You okay? You look like a strawberry pimp" Brian chuckles at his own lame joke. I clear my throat and held Alex's hand "F-Fine! Just alittle warm in here" I cough slightly and awkwardly laugh. Brian and Tim just glared at eachother then back at me and they shrugged.

The waitress came over and placed our orders on the table"Thank you" we all say at the exact same time which made her chuckle. She nodded and walked away.

We all start to eat our food but Tim was taking longer than us, he seemed to be in some sort of trance whilst chewing. "Uhh, Tim? You good?" I lean over and tap Tim on his shoulder.

He flinched slightly but cleared his throat. "Yeah sorry I... I just didn't get that much sleep last night..." he tapped his finger on the table. I nod slightly.

We finished our food and payed, Tim payed for Brian and himself, Alex payed for me and him. I wanted to pay but he won the argument by stealing my hat and holding it up too far for me to reach.

"I'm gonna go and check out this new... place i found! Tim, you wanna come?" Brian asks. Tim glanced at me then Alex in a non-trusting way. "Oh, i'll be fine! Go with Brian" I reasure Tim.

Tim sighed and got into his car, Brian got in the passanger's side and they drove off. "Since you payed i now owe you a movie. " I fold my arms with a smile. "Well, if you insist, shorty" he smirked and I frown "I'm not short! You're just tal!" I huff and fold my arms. "Yeah yeahh, hehe come on." He pulled down my hat on purpose and got into his car. I fixed my cap and got in the passanger's seat. We drove back to Alex's apartment.

"Wha- hey! I said I owed you a movie! All your movies are... garbage" I fold my arms as he chuckles. "I had a better idea in mind" He says as he gets out the car with a smirk on his face.

I got alittle unease as I only have a camera with me and nothing else, but there's no going back now I guess. I got out of the car and shut the door, followed by Alex. He locked the car and walked inside, I followed him.

"Sit down" he insisted. I does as he asks and sat on the couch. "Close your eyes." He said, i kept my eyes open though "Why?" I fold my arms "Aww, c'mom Jay! Please?" He practically begs. I huff and close my eyes. I was alittle frightened incase he tried to hurt me ...

Please, please ...
Ignore my crappy Chapter Titles

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