7.) Finish

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( Alex's POV )

I woke up slowly to find Jay practically laying ontop of me, he looked so peacful whilst he slept.

I slowly move him next to me, trying my best not to wake him. Thankfuly he never woke up, I decided to go make a cup of coffee to wake up alittle.

I got up and walked to the counter, I start making my coffee. As the kettle is boiling I hear movement from behind me.

I turn to see Jay immediently wrap his arms around me and hug me tightly. "You better make me a cup you big dork" he chuckles.

"Sure" I smile and turn back around to make Jay a cup of coffee. Just then I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Jay says whilst walking to the door.

"Oh! Hey Tim! Brian!" I hear Jay say quite happily. I sigh to myself, I'm not in the mood to deal with Tim or Brian today. I just want to be with Jay for now.

I finish making the coffee and walk to the living room, I place Jay's cup on the table and sit down next to him. Tim glared at me as he usually did.

"Thanks, Al!" Jay smiled as he took a sip of his coffee. "Soooo! Me and... Tim have something to uhhh... tell you" Brian said as he cleared his throat. "Tell us! Spill the tea!"  Jay insisted.

Brian seemed quite nervous and Tim just stayed silent for a moment. "Brian and I, we're dating." I wasn't really surprised, I've known these two for a long time and they always were really close with eachother.

Jay on the other hand let out a small excited gasp "How did I not see that coming!" Jay smiled. Brian chuckled slightly and Tim cracked a small smile.

"Well.... me and Alex..." Jay turned to me, I could tell he was asking if he could tell them about us. I nod alittle, I know Tim will be upset and Brian... well he might have mixed emotions.

"We're... dating" Jay turns back to Tim and Brian, Brian let out a chuckle "Why am I not surprised?" He asked jokingly. Tim didn't seem so amused about this though.

"Jay, can I... talk to you outside for a moment?" Tim stood up after he asked, I knew this was coming. "Okay..." Jay stood up and followed Tim outside.

( Jay's POV )

I went outside with Tim, I knew this would happen, I knew he would get mad but I have to tell him, he will find out eventually anyways.

"Jay! What the fuck are you thinking!? I get it, you trust him but Jay! It's only been a week! He could go back to killing at any moment!" Tim explained, which he was right about.

Alex could go back to his old ways at any moment but I feel like i should give him a chance. "I know Tim... but don't you think you should give him a chance? I mean... take you for example! I trust you! And you could kill me at any moment! I know you haven't... put that mask on in months but like you said! It could happen again!" I explain the best I can without upsetting Tim.

He stayed silent for a moment. "Fine, but promise me Jay. Promise me if he ever tries to hurt you, me or Brian for no reasson then you won't go back to him... please... " He said with a sad but conserned expression.

I sigh and nod. "I promise Tim... I promise" I smile up at him as he exhales of releaf "Thank you..."  He let out a small smile.

We both head back inside to find Alex and Brian talking about their past. I was glad to see this because it means Brian may start to trust Alex more.

I sat back down next to Alex as Tim sat back down next to Brian. I noticed Brian laying his head on Tim's shoulder which made me smile, they're so cute together!

I felt Alex put his arm around me which made me blush. "So, you guys wanna watch a movie? Just to pass the time?" Brian suggested. We all agreed

"Horror?" Brian smirks slightly, everyone agreed but I was alittle anxious. Horror movies don't scare me much but the ones Brian finds are kinda terrifying.

Brian didn't tell us what movie he put on, he just downloaded it and played it. "I swear to god Brian, if you picked a terrifying movie I'm gonna push you down the stairs" I narrow my eyes at him. He just chuckles.

"Maybe i did, maybe i didn't" he smirls. The movie started as I recognized it, it was the movie The Babadook, which might not seem scary to others but to me it was.

Tim and Brian fell asleep during the movie, i could tell from Tim's loud snoring right next to me, meanwhile i was scared. Alex held me in his arms which made me feel safe.

I felt someone grab my arm tightly and it terrified me, which made me scream. I heard laughter from Brian. "Oh! Haha! I got you good man!" He kept on laughing as i huffed.

"That wasn't funny Brian!" I whine. "It was" he smirked. "Alright alright, Brian that movie was shit" Alex says. "i wouldn't know, me and Tim fell asleep half way through it." Brian shrugs.

I saw Tim move alittle, he most likely woke up from my scream. "Okay... am I the only one that heard a little girl screaming or am I off my meds?" Tim sat up as Brian laughed.

"No, that was Jay" Brian smirked, I heard Tim chuckle slightly. "That wouldn't be the first time" he held Brian in his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. Brian face was alittle red.

"Now who's the strawberry pimp!" I fold my arms. "S-Shut up!" Brian whined. "You're both just little strawberry pimps" Alex says as he ran his fingers threw my hair.

I smile and lay my head on his shoulder "heh... I love you" I nuzzle my face into his neck. "I love you too, Jaybird" The nickname made me blush and a smile appeared on my face.

I could tell Tim was still uneasy with all of this but he didn't say or do anything to Alex, which I'm glad for. I feel like this is the start of things getting back to normal ...

And i was right ...

Finished uwu Finally-
Welp- Hope you  enjoyed this!-
And if you didn't-

Errr .... I don't blame ya xD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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