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Flashback - Storybrooke

Gold and Belle had gotten their son Gideon ready for his birthday birthday party and Gold tales a photo of Belle. This was years before Brooke met them at the library.

"Rumpel! I said no pictures. I'm... I'm not even ready for the party yet. I'm a mess," Belle said.

"You look beautiful," Gold said to her.

Belle sighed and looked at her husband, "You're gonna make me regret giving you that camera," She said and looked at her notepad, where she had a list of who is doing what, "Okay, uh  Regina and Zelena got the balloons, uh, Emma and August got the cake, uh, Brooke has the umm... Why does it say secret?" Belle looked at Gold.

"I, uh, asked her to try something and she agreed," Gold smiled at her.

"Oh! Okay," Belle looked at the list again, "Hooks got the activities for the older kids and oh, Snow and David are bringing the bubble wands," Gold looked at her confused, "I don't know, I guess Neal and Alicia are obsessed with them."

"Belle," Gold said.

"Yes," Belle said.

"Relax, it's a children's birthday party. As long as everyone turns up and Gideon ends up with birthday cake all over his face, it's a face," Gold said.

"Oh, I know. You're right. It's just after all these years, I guess I'm used to the chaos... Maybe I should get, uh, un-used to it," Belle said.

"Well, Storybrooke's certainly been quiet this past year. I can't even remember the last time I used the dagger," Gold said and Belle chuckled.

"Gold," Brooke said appearing in blue smoke, "I'm really sorry, but I need something from you two."

"Sorry why are you sorry? What happened? Can't
you make it?" Belle asked.

"Calm down, Belle," Gold said and looked at Brooke, "What do you need?"

"Something of Gideons that has only been his... The book isn't working," Brooke said making Her Handsome Hero appear in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Belle asked, Brooke pointed to the word secret and smiled at her, "Brooke!" Belle lightly hit her friend with the notepad causing Gold to chuckle at them.

Gold made one of Gideons jackets appear, "It is one of his favourites, will this work?" Gold asked.

Brooke took it and waved her hand over it, she smiled, "Perfect, thanks," She placed the book down before she disappeared.

End of Flashback

It was Halloween and Sofia was walking in the street until she found Weaver who was waiting for her on the corner of a path.

"What?" Sofia asked.

"With me," Weaver said.

They walked to a bench where they found Tilly sat on a bench, wearing a white rabbit mask as she worked on a Rubix Cube. Weaver sat down on the bench and Sofia leaned against the back of the bench.

"Hey, Tilly," Weaver said.

"Ah, detective," Tilly lifted up her mask and saw Sofia, "Fia, what brings you both to my humble bench today?" She asked them.

"No idea," Sofia said.

"Well, the deli mixed up my order again. They gave me orange marmalade instead

"But how do I know it's my favourite?" Tilly asked.

"Well, there's only one way to find out, take a bite," Sofia said looking at Tilly.

Ending is the Beginning [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #7 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now